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"I'm telling you, I'm not psychic."

"We believe you have a high potential of being - becoming - psychic. With only a little practice we believe you could see the future at will."

Seokjin scoffed. "Yeah, because me seeing how the world is gonna end would totally make everyone's day better."

The small room they were sitting in didn't make his anxiety any better. He stared at the two men in front of him. They were seated on the other side of the small table, dressed in black suits.

"If you don't cooperate we see no other means than putting you out of the program, is that clear-"

"What is going on here?"

Seokjin's gaze softened when he saw Namjoon standing in the doorway.

"You two tell your boss that we're doing this as a group and as a group only, understood?"

Namjoon looked at them sternley and they slowly got out of their seats to leave the room, but not before whispering some words in Namjoons ear. A sentence that Seokjin only could make out as 'we'll be having a small talk with you later'.

Namjoon didn't throw them a glance as they walked away, instead turning to the older and giving him a worried look.

"You okay?"

Yes, now I am.

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