Chapter 16 (I could be)

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Chapter 16 (I could it be!!!)

I feel the sun on my shoulder heating me up and decide to put my hand on my eyes. All of sudden, I look around and found that I do not recognised my surrounding. I thought I was dreaming and I close my eyes again and feel the bed. The texture of the bed feels different. It is harder than my bed and I was wondering why with my eyes close. I began to panic a bit. If I could feel it meaning I am not dreaming. I open my eyes again and notice that the wall is painted light blue with lots of beautiful painting. There was a huge walk in closet and a beautiful study table, This room is extra large and could be triple the size of my room. Where am I?. I sit up immediately and was shocked.

Suddenly, I noticed that there were pillows all over me. What!!!!!. I look further away from the pillow and notice the shape of a man but his face is not facing me. Oh my Gosh!!!! What happen. I was so scare that I jumped out of the bed and starts to get down of the bed and walk towards the other side of the bed.

Then I saw a sweet sleeping giant baby and you can guess who he is. Yebo was still sleeping with a slight snore. I think he is really tire. Somehow I was not shock, the sight was too beautiful to miss. I look at him with his closed eyes. He look so peaceful and sweet like an angel. His hair was slightly messy but that did not lessen his handsome face. I think it adds in the naughty look rather than the stoic and stern look that he always carry around. His thick lids was in a pout maybe because of the way that he sleep.

I couldn't resist my hand and I walk slowly to him and put out my hand to flatten the pout. Looking at Yebo, he looks so so cute and I couldn't restraint my hands to move his cheek as well. Yebo has a nice cheek and I stoke it and move it up and down trying to get him to smile widely which is rarely seen. I think I done it too much

"ARE YOU HAVING FUN!!!!" Yebo half open his eyes and ask me.

I jolted out of my play and look at him.

"NO, I am only playing with the face. I think I need to play with the rest."

I don't know what got over me. I jump onto the bed and get on top of Yebo's body. Sitting on his waist with my legs open and spreading on both sides of body and I began to tickle him, I feel like I am having fun with my cousins when we were young tickling each other and laughs till we run out of breath.

Yebo looks at me slightly shock but he just looks at me amusingly. I was so angry because Yebo managed to hold himself and not laugh at all. This is so different from A Cheng and Xuan Lu when we were young. Both of them were afraid of my long fingers tickling them. They would run. Hide, laughs and then surrenders. Why is this man so different. I annoying ask him

"What kind of body do you have, are they made of steel, or are you a robot. Why aren't you afraid of tickling, er" I pout at Yebo.

"I don't care. Let me lift up your shirt and see what is underneath it"

I think my mind was so focus on making Yebo laugh and lose in my senses. I lift up his shirt without thinking much and look at his body.

"Oh, my gosh, why do you have such abs" I put my hands on his abs and feel it. My fingers went up and down following the contour of the abs. All this while, I wasn't looking at Yebo because the abs was just too amazing and it attracts all my attention especially on his flawless white skin.

"I don't care, I will still makes you laughs" so, I use my fingers to tickle those abs hard.

I heard Yebo began to laugh, NO laugh loudly and I was having so much fun and I began to look at his face and he was red as tomatoes.

Yebo holds my hand later and looks at me.

"Zan, STOP PLEASE!!!!! " Yebo looks at me with seriousness.

"Ok, I win, you finally laughs. You are not as tough as you think" I am still enjoying my victory but Yebo looks at me with an unspeakable look.

"What happened?" I ask Yebo confusingly.

"Don't do that to anyone please, you don't know what you have ignited?" Yebo still holding my hands and told me.

"Oh my Gosh Zan, please never ever do this to anyone,,,you,,don't ..know..., WELL JUST DON"T DO IT" suddenly Yebo got out of the bed and run to the bathroom and slammed the door leaving me sitting on the bed dumbfounded.

At first, I was a little clouded why Yebo was angry but after thinking hard about how I sit on his body and looking at his abs, I beginning to feel my face blushing. Not only my face blushing but I was actually fascinated by Yebo's body and abs. I feels my hand that touch his abs now is heated up and it feels like it is on fire. The hot and trembling sensation from the hand has travelled to the heart and now the whole body has caught the fire. The erratic heartbeats that threatened to break through my rib cage was just causing my breath to hitch and becomes heavy.

I quickly went back to the bed and sat down. I flop myself on the bed and close my eyes trying to cool myself off and take off the image of Yebo face, body and smile.

I came to the realisation that I have been thinking of Yebo day and night, this has make me frighten because I conclude the whole happening that could draw to one horrifying awakening and could it be that


While I was still lying on the bed with my eyes close, I felt someone coming close to me, I open my eyes and saw Yebo looking at me.

"Yebo, I am sorry that I cross the line and I am disrespectful, I shouldn't have done that and I know you don't like it" I told Yebo.

Yebo looks at me blankly and start shaking his head.

"It is not that. It is just that... damn it, don't you feel it" Yebo asks me

"Yes" I told Yebo


"I was playful, went overboard and thus you are unhappy with me" I told him

"NO!!!!!!, don't you know that I could never be angry with you" Yebo looks at me.

I don't know what he means, but the words were seems to hit me like a ton of brick, what does he means. I am already feeling weird that I am finding a man attractive and now Yebo words are making me more and more uncomfortable. I think I must focus on something to get my brain back.

Ahhh, I cursed myself as I forgot the most important thing I need to do today.

"Oh, I am sorry. First, I want to thank you for allowing me to sleep here tonight. Secondly, I am sorry for being playful and forgot that we still need to catch He Peng"

I think I should focus on the task instead of all these complicated emotions and feelings that are now flooding me and making me uncomfortable.

Yebo looks at me for a while and he just told me

"OK, Zan but always remember even if the world is against you. I will always be on your side. I like you to think of what I said seriously one day please" Yebo told me seriously.

Yebo's words seems to cut through every thought in my soul and mind.

"Oh, thank you Yebo, you are the best friend anyone in the world could wish to have" I told him sincerely.

"You helped and believe in me and I truly am grateful" I told Yebo exactly how I feel but I choose to take away the deep and weird feeling I have because I am really scare to face that myself. The truth is I am thinking "I COULD BE IN LOVE WITH MY BOSS" which scare the hell of me.     
