Chapter 17 (More....)

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Chapter 17 (More.....)

Yebo took a set of his clothes for me.

"Zan, I think this will suit you. I hope you don't mind" I smile and look at the clothes and

"Thank you very much. I will wash them and return you"

"Ur. Don't worry too much about it" Yebo told me

"I already have your handkerchief and now your clothes. I owe you too much, Yebo" I can't believe myself that I am owing Yebo so many items and this had never happen in my life.

"Zan, does it matter to you because I am more than happy to lent you have mine stuff, in fact, I...I...could ..always...shar" before Yebo could finish I cut him off

"Yebo, I am brought up not to be greedy, and your clothes are very expensive, so I need to return it to you" I told him seriously

"I don't mean to belittle you. In fact, I notice you are wearing top labels as well" Yebo told me and I begins to blush.

"Oh, my Shijie always buys for me. She is a top notch lawyer" I told Yebo.

"Oh, I see" Yebp begins to frown.

I took the clothes and went into the bathroom and have a quick shower and put on Yebo's clothes. Yebo lend me a shirt and a chinos pants. Honestly speaking it fit me perfectly but maybe a little loose as I think Yebo is slight bulkier than me"

We had our breakfast and then we drove to the company quickly to take a look.

Yu bin saw me and look at me from top to bottom.

" come, I feel that you are not wearing your clothes because I hardly see you in Maroon coloured shirt but honestly it suit you perfectly as you have very fair skin. Actually, it makes you prettier" Yu Bin told me.

Yu Bin really makes me blush especially in front of Yebo which I am ready feeling uncomfortable.

"SHUT UP!!! and just do you job, When did you become a fashion designer, er" I throw a pen at Yu Bin and he dodge it. 

Yu Bin being Yu Bin will never just simply stops. He turned around and ask Yebo

"Sir, Yebo, don't you think Zan looks good in that maroon shirt and it makes him beautiful" Yu Bin asks Yebo.

Yu Bin is probably wanting a death sentence. I chase him up and gave him a kick on the butt.

"I am complimenting you and I got a kick on my butt, this is so unfair" Yu bin rub his butt and pout and complaints

"Yu Bin is actually not wrong in his comments" Yebo speaks slowly to both of us.

"SEE!!!! SEE!!!!!, I am right and got a kick on my butt" Yu Bin looks at me innocently.

I was shocked and don't know what to say. I got annoyed and told them

"I am not beautiful!!!!!, I am handsome. That's the end of the story" It was too embarrassing and I just want to put an end this this episode.

"OK, Ok, my poor butt" Yu Bin still continue to grumble.

"YU BIN!!!!!" I shouted at Yu Bin and he purse his lips and pretend to use his hand to seal his mouth.

Yu Bin was about to go down stairs but suddenly he turns around and run towards me

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"Zan, remember your creative design for the Adventure Company. The company enter your design for the top Designer competition of the whole of China. Of course they called and ask me this morning. I said YES. There is no reason to say NO, right" Yu Bin asks me

"I don't think I am that good, but it doesn't matter. Thank you Yu Bin" I told Yu Bin and gave him a smile. Looking at his butt, I feel sorry for him now.

"Yu Bin, we found He Peng address and we are going to find him now. You stay here and wait for our news, ok"

"Be careful both of you" Yu Bin nods and look at us worryingly.

Yebo and I got into his car as I left my car at home. It seems like Yebo likes to drive so, I leave it to him.

"Zan, looking at the google map, the house is in a very remote and the terrain is rough. Let's go to my home and we change into my motorbike. It is easy to maneuver the terrain"

I nod my head and agrees.

We went back to Yebo's apartment. He ask me to wait in his room while he wanted to change his clothes.

Oh my gosh!!!!, Yebo came out with his black leather pants and his biker jacket. He looks so handsome that I just have no words for it. I could not keep my eyes off him which is really embarrassing.

He took another set of clothes for me.

"Change into this, it is easier when you are on the bike"

I look at it, it is another black leather pants and jacket.

"I nod and went in to change" While I am in the toilet I look at myself. I really look good in this set of clothes.

By the time, I came out, Yebo has style his hair differently. He tied his long fringe to the back with a little pony at the back. I look at him and he knew what I was thinking

"It is easier for the helmet" Yebo told me.

Yebo asks me to sit down on the edge of his bed and he uses his comb to style my hair just like his a pony at the back.

Yebo looks at me and he told me

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Yebo looks at me and he told me

"You look really good" I notice the intensity in his eyes and I begin to feel my face heat up.

"You are looking good too, Yebo" I told him

I was slightly madden with myself because every time Yebo speaks he brings up my emotions.

We look at ourselves in the mirror, I told Yebo that we can be mistaken as brothers.

"Never brothers, Zan" Yebo told me/

"We look very identical, with the same clothes and hair style" I told Yebo innocently.

Yebo looks at me and sigh.

"Zan, just remember something. We can never be brothers. Ok. I...I..don't...want..that..what I want is not..brotherhood" Yebo told me.

I look at him and I feel a little lost in space, because we are now beginning to be close, we have some adventures together. I feel like we are crime busters and partners.

"We are crime partners, we fight for justice and help the poor, like Robin Hood" I innocently told Yebo.

"Zan, we can do that together and more..." Yebo told me

I look at Yebo and my eyes just stares at him. He looks so handsome and dashing that it is blinding my eyes. I couldn't even look anymore because I feel that my heart will be sick again. It will be sick because it becomes abnormal. Beating hard like crazy. I would have trembling lips and shaky hands, So, I bit my lips and didn't dare to ask what is the "more..." that Yebo is talking about. I am actually don't know what to expect for that word "more...". I think I will leave it as it it because I am so afraid that the meaning might be hurtful or something that I want. What is it that I want from Yebo, I still don't know yet.  
