USJ attack [4]

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Aizawa POV
A/N just a heads up after USJ Mineta will leave class 1A and trasfer to general department because it is just too dangerous for him and switches with Shinsou who is adopted by Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada.

"Ok class today we will go to the USJ to learn rescue and disaster situations."

"I always wanted to go to Universal Studios Japan" said Kaminari with a big smile.

'Sometimes I am not sure wether Kaminari is really dumb or just a classclown'

"Anyway go to the bus now so we can get tgis over with. I haven't had enough coffee to deal with this shit yet"

At the USJ
Aizawa POV
"Class this is the Space hero 13. She excels in Rescue operations and bulit the USJ."

"Thats right. As you all know some of your quirks are really useful and powerful but dont forget your quirks can also destroy. Just like mine. My quirk is called blackhole, it can suck up anything and reduce it to dust. It is very useful to help and rescue people stuck under rubble but my quirk can also kill very easily. So you have to keep that in mind."

"So lets begin shall we?"

Loud yells of Yeah and this will be so fun, could be heard.

As we start to heaf in and 13 talks a little more Kirishima suddenly says:

"Oh wow they even have fake Villains."

After I heard that I immediately turned around and saw that there was some kind of portal forming in the middle of the plaza. More and more Villains started to walk out of it. But before I could do anything a bit of glass broke from the ceiling and a person dressed in black tactical gear started to decend from the hole.

"Stay back" I yell to my students and prepare for a fight. But instead of attacking me he just said....

Deku POV
As Villains start to pour from the portal I start to break the glass from the roof and start going down on a thick rope. Aizawa yells "Stay back!" to his students before I even touch the ground.

"Don't worry Sir I am not here to harm your students but to protect them and you." I say and Salute.


Before he could finish I start to run down the stairs and start to shoot the Villains with knockout ammunition.

"Who is this and where is Allmight!?
The schedule said he would be here so where is he?! If he isn't here we can at least destroy his pride and kill a few students."
Said a blue haired man with a hand on hia face

"On it." replied the purple mist person.

Before I could reach him he started to teleport the students to the different areas. It seems one of the students was able to escape. That means some more heroes should be here soon.

As I continue knockout students with hand to hand combat and my pistol armed with knockout ammo Aizawa started to help me, much to my dismay.

"Sir please go back it is dangerous here. I have everything under control here please return to you students."

"You can't possibly think you can take out all of these Villains-" answered Aizawa while kicking a Villain unconscious.
"-and survive this shitshow."

"I am aware that probably I would have died here while fighting these Villains without your help and I dont mind. So please return to the students"

For some reason my answer seemed to irritate Aiazawa immensely.
'I am not really sure why though'

A/N Deku does not call Shigaraki all those nicknames those he just thinks it

We continued to fight the Villains until Hand Job started to scratch his neck violently and yelled something at a big bird like creature that I couldn't fully understand. The creature...I believe Crusty Dusty called him Nomu started to attack Aizawa slammed him into the ground leaving a creater where his face made contact with the ground.

I immediately started loading live ammo and began shooting at the Nomu.

The creature let go of Aizawa and began charging at me. I had a hard time dodging his blows and attacking with my combat knife but I somhow managed but just barely. Unfortunately I was hit by one his attacks which sent me flying into a building. Even tough it hurt a lot and I probably had a few groken ribs I continued to charge a the bird like creature which agitated Decay nay nay a lot.

"How is this possible?! Nomu was designed to defeat All Might at his full power!"

Before the blue haired man could continue the door to the USJ flew open and All Might stormed in...but he wasn't wearing his signature smile. He was pissed.

After seeing All Might punch Nomu into oblivion more heroes started arriving and I began to flee since I could not allow to get caught just yet.

Aizawa POV
"Do we know who the hell the other guy was?"

No not yet but you should really rest rest now Sho, otherwise your wounds might get worse than they already are." replied present mic

"I know it's just that...he said he wouldnt mind dying and I am worried about that."

"What do you mea-"

"He said it like he doesn't matter and he even told me to go back because I should live. Like it doesnt matter if he dies just so I dont get hurt, eventough he had knife and bullet wounds all over his body. That guy was very skilled but there were way too many to doge all of them"

Oh wow that does sound worrying but dont worry we will find him soon I am sure.

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