| Bonsai |

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"Are you sure this is okay?" Sana and Yunhee nodded with grins as the girls excitedly walked in the lounge.

"They followed me here I promise.." I let out a sigh while death glaring the grinning girls behind me.

"It's Sammy's last day here and she wanted to see the Bighit building I couldn't tell her no-" Jihyo watched me with her arms crossed, a sly smile on her face.

"Guests are totally allowed if you know them so it's okay you won't get in trouble~" Sana smiled towards me as I stared at Jihyo and Ryujin.

"Your workplace is so cool!" Sammy was practically bouncing around as she watched the staff members walking around.

"It's actually pretty empty right now since the boys are upstairs~"

Sam's jaw basically dropped once Sana started talking in English.

"Wow can everyone speak English here? You're all so smart and talented geez-"

Chuckles were heard around the building until Jihyo turned and her eyes widened.

"Hello there again!" Bang PD waved at us.

Sweat dripped off my forehead as I nervously stood there.

"Hello sir! These are my friends-"

"It's nice to meet you!" He looked at Ryujin and Sam before making eye contact with Jihyo. "I remember you Jihyo."

Jihyo's eyes got wider by the second as she nervously smiled and bowed.

"My friend Sam is from America and is visiting, it's her last day and I guess she wanted to see where I worked.."

"Ah I understand! Well I have a meeting to go to, you all have fun!"

Everyone immedietly bowed as he walked away, the rest of us staring in shock.

"He just.. let's people in if they know you?"

Sana and Yunhee nodded casually, grins appearing on their faces.

"Want some coffee or a snack? We have a snack bar in the break room and they just put out fresh food~" Yunhee smiled as the three girls quickly nodded.

She began walking with them all towards the open doors.

Sana exchanged glances before chuckling and following behind them.

As we got inside, a sigh of relief escaped me as nobody else was inside.

"I'm gonna warn Namjoon to not let any of the members down here until they leave-"

Sana nodded as I pulled out my phone.

He quickly picked up and I cleared my throat.

"Joonie~ Whatever you do, don't come down-"


I panicked as I turned around to see a literal sun skipping towards me.

Jihyo and Ryujin's jaws dropped as they made eye contact with half of BTS, casually walking inside the room.

"What were you gonna tell me?" Namjoon cluelessly smiled at me as I facepalmed.


Hobi, Taehyung, Jin, and Namjoon had grins on their faces as the girls bowed towards them.

Oh no..


6 hours later~

After hours of 12 adults proving that language barriers are meant to be broken, Haneun pulled out her phone and noticed the time.

"Sam! You need to be at the airport in two hours-"

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