author's cautious reminders

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if you find several other things references put into the piece, either behind, inside, or the words themselves, feel free to validate yourself and others.

but the thing you are NOT free nor ever will be, to do, is to plagiarize, use my words, my wordplay, my titles, or anything that is in this piece, that shouts

HEY, THATS [johann tuñacao's] or YOUNGMAESTRO'S __________.

if ever, you, my loyal, and trusted peers and lightlovers, find anyone on any social platform doing anything with my work and not citing my copyright, pls report the person/account to me, as well as the medium they used to jeopardize my copyrights.

please dont dare to challenge my limits and capabilities. 

dont claim the art piece, rather,
claim tribute and share it to the world.

be proud of your flaws, they make you stronger and more empowered.

Be Proud.
With You, My Pride, it Spreads


                 -author. youngmaestro|JS.T.

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