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       thank you so much for sparing me your precious time. this will be the 2nd officially published, online, masterpiece of art, I have provided.

       to those who were expecting the CBR sequel, to be released as a direct successor, haha im truly sorry, though not sorry at all.

       this was more important. this was needed to be heard. this was just mere attention-calling, eye/mind-opening, pride/ego slapping poetry.
those, whom i have offended, by the unintentionally sensitive wordplays, i am truly sorry. and to those whose feelings i have hurt because their drugged beliefs and blindfolded devotions to some creed/s, were contradicting to my views and opinions;

I'm sorry, i have to say sensitively and explicitly say this:
stfu! and sit down.
im willing to sit by you.
i want to cleanse myself of my impurities and crooked thoughts, views, and opinions.
im here on earth to learn new things , to adjust my preferences and views to make them better for the world around me. to listen to the cries. hear the yearns.
be the least of compassionate people in the world, if must be-- if need be, just to understand oppressed, victims' lives.

so, please.


nd with all that left done,
undone and said,
i leave you with my last concerns:

thank you all so so so much for staying by my side and supporting all the way and for choosing to stick around and await for the long wait of this empowered, long ass anthem, the CBR, and other compositions of mine. I'll be spilling 2 or 3 teasers within the week, most likely not CBR related , sorry haha, or earlier, since i am the creator of my art, im the most excited compared to my readers hahahaha

anyways, lightlovers, i love you all.

and strong
humans out there,

stay safe. stay healthy. stay educated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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