Chapter 7

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If you would've told me a few weeks ago, that I would be marrying the ridiculously rich and absolute 'playboy' billionaire, Hayden Knight, I would've laughed at your face.

But now as I am going up to the 55th floor of this enormous building, also known as the headquarters of the infamous Knight Empire, waiting to be escorted back by the young Mr. Knight himself for our wedding announcement, I can't help but feel absolutely and utterly terrified and anxious.

I am snapped out of my reverie by the silent bing! Of the elevator, indicating it's arrival at the requested floor.
The elevator doors open to reveal a massive floor with excellent woodwork that complimented the extremely sleek and modern-looking ambience.
I walk up to the receptionist, a stunning blonde with her lips smeared with a bold red that matched with her sharp claw-like nails.

"Uhm excuse me, I've an appointment with Mr. Knight; could you please let him know I've arrived" I ask politely.

She gives me a slow once over sneering at my outfit. I frown at that, I thought I had dressed appropriately for an office. I was wearing a pretty beige blouse tucked in some smart office pants, paired with simple black pumps that weren't that high.
I fiddle with my beautiful engagement ring nervously, something that I realized was becoming a habit as I was asked to wear it at all times.

"I am sorry but Mr. Knight is unavailable for you right now. Better luck next time, girlie" she lets out a low sneer, with an eyebrow raised clearly mocking me.

"Are you sure? You haven't even checked the computer or anything. I was asked to come at exactly this time so if you could please just confirm..." I trail off, hating how flustered I sounded in front of this receptionist who seemed to be openly mocking me.

She takes a slow breath and then begins. "Okay listen up, Mr. Knight is an extremely busy man who I am sure has no time to spare for the likes of you. So why don't you go do yourself a flavor and find your way back home because I can tell you first hand, that he is not to be bothered by yo-"

"Ms. Rivers, I'll take it from here" a deep smooth voice calls out, instantly shutting her up.
Hayden walks over to us surprising both me and the receptionist.

He places his hand at the small of my back, as I visibly freeze at the contact and 'Layla' as her name tag spelled, glares at me, her eyes as wide as saucers.
He doesn't say anything else, simply guiding me towards massive doors that I assume to be his office, not removing his hand and I feel extremely uncomfortable by the contact and by the woman we left behind, who I know, is still glaring daggers at me.

We enter into his office as he closes the doors behind me. His office was huge. On my left, there were a few steps that you'd take down towards the massive bookshelves. A lovely electric fireplace placed right at the center and a sleek looking couch opposite to the fireplace.
To my right the wall was decorated with pictures and diplomas of all of Hayden's achievements, displaying his past conquests proudly and bashfully and right in front of me was the big office table with the comfiest looking chair behind it.

"You're late" Hayden speaks out from behind his desk. His voice strong and powerful. Leaving no room for excuses.

"I- uhh, t-the receptionist she wasn't umm"

"The press has already been informed of the engagement" he says, cutting me off and my half formed sentences.
Not wanting to make a fool out of myself again I just nod.

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