Chapter 14

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It's been a few days since I last saw Hayden. Not that I am complaining, I am always a blubbering mess around him.

Today I decided I wanted to decorate my balcony. I was bored, I didn't have anything better to do and I always enjoyed a nice homely makeover.

I placed all the flower pots and the rug exactly how I wanted it to. Julia got most of the stuff for me, since I wasn't sure I could just casually leave the house like that.
I mean, obviously I could but I was more than sure I had to go out with a swarm of security and the paparazzi would be following me anywhere and everywhere I went and trust me I'd rather hole out in one corner for the rest of my life than face those vultures with their wretched cameras ever again.

Satisfied with my work and how my balcony now looked like, I settle in the little couch I had placed there with a Jane Austen classic.

Deep engrossed in the novel, I don't notice anything until a voice breaks out the utter silence of the cold night.

"Pride and Prejudice, huh?"

I get so startled that I actually fall off the sofa.

"Oh my god, Skyler you scared me!" I yelp as she laughs looking at me all flustered.

"Sorry about that, Julia pointed me to where your room was earlier and I couldn't help myself from seeing you" she says sheepishly but I could sense there was something off about her tone.

She sits down beside me looking forlorn, almost vulnerable and I feel so sorry for her.

I reach out and place a hand on her knee, she looks surprised at the contact as she turns to look at me. I only smile at her. As softly and as genuinely as I can. Her gorgeous blue eyes tear up just at that and for the first time I was able to see up close that no matter how glamorously people portray their lives to be, they're always always struggling through something and they too need someone who'll just hold them every once in a while and tell them that things can be okay if you give them time.
So that's exactly what I did.

I hugged her as nice and tight as I could and she immediately hugged me back. She doesn't say anything but I could hear her sniffling. 

"Whatever it is Skye, it'll get better with time and it'll all be okay then. I promise." I whisper into her ear.
She breaks away from the hug lightly dabbing her tear stained cheeks.

"Can I crash here for the night, Avery?"

"Ofc you can, come in, it's a lot warmer inside" I reply back to her and take her inside.

She settles down into my bed, as I tuck her in with my warm duvet.

It doesn't take long for her to pass out and I go and sleep on the little couch kept on the other side of the room and before I know it I am way fast asleep too.



"Derek are you sure?" I bark into the phone.
Derek, Skye's husband has been telling me that Skyler ran off to my place but that couldn't be possible because if that were the case I would've been informed about it.

God, sometimes Skye keeps me worried sick. I honestly don't know what she sees in that man.

I drive back home in a rush, it's already way too late and I didn't have time for Ben to pick me up. I hoped with everything I had that Skye was actually in my place.

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