The Nightmares by Design

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A/n: Before the story begins, I just want to say, please read the author note at the end. It's kinda important. Also, you can play the song whenever you want.

{Mike's POV}

I'd like to say I ran away and got out immediately. I'd like to say I left and never came back. Nope! I got lost. You might not think that the Underground was that big, but it is. I mean, it's huge! And to make it worse, it had so many turns and rooms, I got lost within the first five minutes of me running.

It took me a while to realise this, but once I did, I stopped running. I looked around for any signs of were to go, but found nothing. I sighed, and went into the nearest room, not noticing the sound of something being dragged across the ground.

The first thing I noticed was the giant claw thing in the middle of the room. The second was the pile of animatronic suits in the corner. I recognised some parts as those of Will, but they were mixed with another animatronic's parts. I looked around the dimly lit room, and saw a pile of parts, mangled to the point where you couldn't even see what it used to be.


I jumped. I looked around, looking for the source of the noise.


There it was again! I walked in the direction I heard the noise, which led me to the door.


I hesitated. What if it was the animatronics? Or something worse?


Okay, now I definitely wasn't opening the door. I mean, that sound was just terrifying! I looked around the room, then realised I had no choice. I sighed, then opened the door, taser at the ready.

There was nothing there. Wow. Guess it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Trying to scare me. I shrugged, then went to close the door.


Okay, maybe not my imagination. I looked down, and saw a jumbled mess of wires, with a messed up version of Will's faceplates on it. I picked it up, them dropped it immediately. It moved! I swear, it had moved around in my hands! I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself.

Then I heard the sound of something slithering on the ground. I opened my eyes just in time to avoid the wires, now somewhat in the shape of an animatronic, from wrapping around my neck. I stepped back and got a better look at it.

I could see what looked like arms coming out of the side of the mass. The bottom had started to form what looked like legs, somewhat. Will's faceplates had become what looked like the face, and the wires were moving them around to create different expressions. And the one it had, now, was an angry one. I'd like to say I wasn't scared, but I nearly passed out in fear.

A small mass of wires started slithering out of the side of it, and slithered over to the door. The little mass stopped, and started to crawl under the door, individually.

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