Day 2: That Moment When You Realize You're the Third Wheel

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A/N: Remember, refrain from making sexual/NSFW comments!

George did not want to get up, or even move for that matter. The entire front of his body was so warm from the rather... long pillow he was laying stomach-first on, face turned to the right. George pressed his face further into his heat source, and inhaled softly, his scent being filled with vanilla. George liked that scent.

As he began to drift off again, George felt his pillow stir from under him, and inhale deeply-

Wait, what?

George sleepily lifted his head off warm fabric and looked up, and realized two things.

The first was that the pillow he was laying on wasn't a pillow, it was Dream's body.

The second was that Dream was looking back at him, sharing an equally sleepy look as his brain began booting itself up. George was suddenly hyperaware that Dream's right hand was resting on top of his left side, and his brain froze even more.

And as Dream continued to wake up and take in the situation, the more George remained frozen, silently repeating a string of curses in his mind.


Dream didn't remember his blanket feeling so warm, or so weighted. Or why his blanket also felt like a hand cradling his left shoulder and an arm resting on his arm, or why it also felt like another arm, outstretched, laying across his left shoulder.

Dream suddenly felt his blanket shift, and nuzzle his chest.

Dream's eyes opened. That wasn't a blanket.

His breath hitched as Dream realized that George was what he assumed was his blanket, the older man laying practically on top of him and curled into his chest.

Moments later, Dream realized that George was also looking at him, gaze steadily growing sharper as he woke up.

They stared at each other, silent. Dream felt the now-familiar atmosphere begin to swirl around them again, and to spare him of looking into those beautiful eyes, he turned his head to the left and read the time on his alarm clock that sat beside the bed. It read a quarter to seven in the morning.

It was way too early for this.

Dream's head flopped back down onto his pillow, and he closed his eyes again. Too early, he'll deal with this later.

Besides, the silence and staring wasn't uncomfortable anymore, it just felt strange. Pleasantly strange.

"It's too early to be awake," Dream mumbled. "Go back to sleep." He took one last deeper breath, and rather quickly drifted off again, and as his mind teetered on the edge of consciousness, Dream could've sworn he felt pure and utter happiness when he felt George's head rest on his chest and hand on his shoulder lightly grip the fabric of his sweater, shooting warm chills across his shoulders and up his neck.

Yeah, he'd deal with this later.


When they woke up again, almost three hours had passed, and they were in the same positions they fell asleep.

Dream was the first to wake the second time around, and after opening his eyes and seeing George's sleeping face rest oh so gently on his chest, his left hand still clutching some of his sweater, Dream wished time would stop, so he could enjoy the moment even more.

But that wasn't going to happen. So instead, Dream let his eyes shut, and he nudged in the side with his hand.

"Let me up," he quietly muttered. George wasn't having it though, and let out a loud annoyed groan, burying his face into Dream's chest and grabbing his sweater tighter.

7 Minutes in Heaven, But it's 7 Days in Florida (DNF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz