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"Y/n, wake up, we're gonna be late."

I rolled over. Eddie hovered over me, already dressed and ready for the day. His watch beeped loudly.

"What time is it," I groaned.


I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Eddie knew I liked to sleep in when I could.

"Get out," I said, yawning, "Let me get ready."

He exited my room, softly shutting the door behind him. In a quick attempt to make my bed, I stumble over my shoes. I hit my knee on my bedframe with a loud thump.

"Fuck!" I cry. That's gonna be a bruise.

"You okay?" Eddie asks, knocking on my door. I muster out a yes and continue on with my morning, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and brushing my hair (not in that order).

I headed down the stairs to see Eddie sitting in the dining room with both of our backpacks on the table.

"Ready?" He asked me, holding up the bag.


We exited the house, yelling goodbye to our mom, and hopped on our bikes to go round everyone up. Richie was first. I could spot him from a mile away in the stupid Hawaiian shirts he always wore. Next was Stan, who was waiting patiently in his yard. We only needed to get Bill and Ben. 

Ben was sitting on the steps to the library with a thick book on his lap. He looked up when he saw us all.

"You ready, bookworm?" I yelled to him. He nodded, his permanently flushed cheeks making dimples as he smiled. Then, we were on our way.

I closed my eyes, balancing myself on the pedals I stood on as we rode down the hill. My mouth sang the words of Jessie's Girl from my radio. My bangs flew lightly in the wind, my ponytail trailing behind me. I let a smile creep across my lips, the breeze making my mint gum seem so much cooler.

Our bikes had been tossed in a pile, clanging pedals and wheels together. I followed closely behind Bill as we ran to the cliff. The leaves crushed under our footfalls. 

I pulled my shoes off my feet, followed by my tube socks. The rest of the boys pulled their clothes off as well, leaving them in a pile by our bikes. Save for Eddie, who shrugged behind a tree to undress. I turned to see the others staring at me.

"Really, guys," Eddie says sarcastically, stumbling out from behind his tree.


Stan's voice said it all. So did his face. 

"Eyeing my sister," Eddie continued.

As I scanned the boys' faces, who were turning away and clumsily making it seem like they weren't staring, I made a temporary eye contact with Bill. Heat crept up my neck.

"Guys, how about a game of loogie?" Stan suggests breaking the silence. We all nodded in unison, and soon, we were all spitting over the edge of the drop-off.

"Oh my God, that was terrible! I win!" Richie yelled, turning on his heels. He now faced Eddie, waving his arms around.

"You win? Did you see my loogie?" Eddie pointed to where he had landed by his feet.

"Mine went the furthest! It's about distance," Richie said. His outstretched arm was gesturing to the water below.

"It's mass! It's always been mass!"

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