Doesn't Know Who the Hell he's Messing With

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It was just a lazy day. Eddie and I were chilling on the front porch stairs, playing a game we made up in elementary school. We had been playing for a pretty long time now, but I could tell we were both starting to get bored.

"Wanna go on a bike ride?" I asked, looking up to the sky. Something red was in the corner of my eye.


We both hopped up to go get our bikes. I called inside that we were going on a ride. Just a few seconds after, we were rolling down the road. My stolen portable radio played our favorites as we biked down the hill. 

As we crossed one of the intersections, I saw a familiar-looking boy on a familiar-looking bike. Silver. I slowed down, going unnoticed. I guess he didn't suspect anything until the music faded out.

"Billy?" I called. His face was red and he looked worried and sweaty. "What's wrong?"

"I-I-IT got Bev..."

He sounded so sad. I knew he liked her. I knew she liked him...

"Wait, what?"

"Eddie, we gotta go!"

"Everyone s-should be at the h-h-house now. L-let's go."

"What's going on?"

I explained to Eddie as we rode down the hill to Neibolt. I was really scared. Really, really scared. How were we supposed to find her? That place is huge. Mentally.

I was so tempted to take my brothers inhaler as we approached the dismal place. It almost looked grey. But it towered over us. It almost seemed to grow. I didn't want to go back in there again. But I took a deep breath, clutched the necklace Eddie gave me, said a little prayer, and followed the others in.

There was something about this house that was familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it. But suddenly I felt a wave of nausea and my legs began to shake. I had weak knees now. Not good, really, really, really not fucking good.

"Eddie..." I mumbled. Not even I could hear myself. I guess it was some sibling thing, because he heard me anyway.

"Need the spare?"

I nodded. I felt as if I couldn't speak. There was a lump in my throat. I grabbed the other inhaler from his hand and took a whiff. It was nice to get air, whether it was fresh or not.

We stood around the grimy well and peered down. Looking down the dark circle made me dizzy. I hated not being able to see the bottom. Something I was... a little scared of.

"So..." My voice came out in a squeaky whisper. I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned my head a tiny bit, and there was Bill. His green eyes were perched on mine. I was so tempted to grab his hand right there and kiss him. You never know, this could be goodbye.

I gave a little nod and grabbed the rope. I didn't say anything, I just stepped on the edge and steadied myself. Bill stood still, only his arms moving so he could balance me. 

"P-please be careful," he mouthed. 

"No, no, no, (Y-n), you can't do that, there might be-" Eddie started. Jeez, this could be another hour wasted of my life. I nodded once more at everybody and slipped down the rope. Soon, the smell of iron and mud filled my nose, and the sound of Eddie's voice was gone.

Look for an opening...

There it is. I stretched my leg out to balance one it. The rope slipped a little bit, though. I let out a small yelp as I slid a little farther down.

Stutter [bill denbrough x reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora