The Gem Review : Update 0.1

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Date : 19TH JUNE 2020

What is a competition if there is no reward. What fun is it if you are in something but don't benefit extra. There isn't any fun actually. The Gem Community has decided to come up with a format in the Gem Review.

The Gem Review Format
The Gem Review will have various batch. A batch contains 16 books which will be distributed respectively to our Reviewers. Each Reviewer gets to review Four books. The First "Form Accepted Chapter" in the Review shop will now be tagged as "Batch 1."

The Gem Review
Batch 1 Reward
At the end of a particular batch, the Head Reviewer will sort out the reviews made by the reviewers. The reviewed book that comes out with the highest percentage will get to be interviewed by the Gem Interview Board, the Book with the highest score will get a shout out from this community and also get promoted by the Head Reviewer. The book aswell will be added to a reading list called the "Gem Review Batch Winners" in the Gem Community.

So what are you waiting for, get your books into the Gem Review and get started.

Note that The First Batch of the Gem Review ends on June 30th and the second batch commences immediately.

The Gem Administration



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