Chapter 14: On the Loose

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[Tuesday, March 16th, 2010 - 3:49 AM]

Haz: I think I want to get my drivers license.

Tommo: i've only known you for a little over a month and i can confirm that that's a terrible idea

Haz: But Lou, I wanna zoom.

Tommo: the fact that you're using that as validation, is reason enough for you to stay away from all vehicles

Haz: Well, too bad.

Haz: Because I got my learning permit yesterday.

Tommo: sorry excuse me for a moment, i've got to go buy out the world's supply of bubble wrap

Haz: Oh, ha, ha, real funny

Haz: I'm a good driver, I only ran over like one cat and three children.

Tommo: you very well could not be lying right now

Tommo: based off of your personality i have to assume that you're telling the truth

Haz: I'm clearly not, I can't believe you think so little of me.

Haz: It was only a squirrel.

Tommo: sweet jesus, what kind of guilt are you living with?

Haz: I can't sleep at night.

Tommo: looks like ice age is gonna have to recast then

Tommo: you've killed a legend, harry

Tommo: haz?

Tommo: god, i've lost you for real now

Tommo: he's on the loose

Tommo: i need to call the FBI

Tommo: we need to evacuate the country immediately, maybe even the whole continent

Tommo: oh christ, what about the queen!?

Tommo: i'm sure she can fend for herself, but god, is she a match for you in a car??

Haz: Alright, alright, calm down.

Haz: No need to get your knickers in a twist, I was just putting on my pyjamas.

Tommo: call off the swat team, he's retired for the night

Haz: You're so dramatic.

Tommo: ME??

Tommo: DRAMATIC????

Tommo: how dare you, i don't think i can associate with you anymore

Haz: i dOn'T tHiNk i cAn aSsoCiAtE WitH yOu aNyMoRe.

Tommo: i don't fancy this rebellious phase you're going through, h

Haz: i dOn'T fAnCy tHiS rEbElLiOuS pHaSe yOu'Re gOinG tHrOuGh, H.

Tommo: i hate you

Haz: love you too.

Tommo is typing...

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