Chapter 16: Wankér

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[Sunday, March 23rd, 2010 - 2:09 AM]

Tommo: is it normal to be able to smell colour, or have i just become an avenger

Haz: What, no. What kind of superpower is smelling colours? How are you going to save people? Tell them that their shirt smells like grapes?

Tommo: well, it sounds like someone's jealous that they won't have a chance with america's ass

Haz: Absolutely not, team Ironman all the way.

Haz: But anyways, why are you still awake? You're injured and you need your sleep.

Haz: Not to mention, shouldn't the pain meds have knocked you out by now?

Tommo: i'm no wuss, i'll stay up as long as i please

Tommo: and the meds are definitely doing something to me, is my hand supposed to look wavy?

Haz: Okay first of all no, your leg can't heal if you stay awake, it's been scientifically proven and I WILL send you the link if you question me.

Tommo: i'll proper sue you

Haz: Right, whatever.

Haz: Secondly, you're hallucinating.

Tommo: you know i'm personally offended by that, hazza

Tommo: i get attacked by ONE goose and you already think i've lost it

Haz: I would argue that that's one more than the average person.

Tommo: unbelievable

Tommo: me leg isn't even that badly injured

Tommo: i'm fine, really. i don't know what you're all on about

Haz: Oblique fracture in the tibia, caused by extreme force (a goose's head). Patient will experience severe swelling and pain, and need to be immobilized for 6 to 8 weeks.

Tommo: you and your witchcraft need to stay far away from me

Tommo: you're just making up words now to confuse me, aren't you?

Haz: It's not witchcraft, it's common sense.

Tommo: i can make up words too, you watch me, you prick

Tommo: wankér - an individual that is generally a fookin' loser

Haz: You can't just add an accent to an existing word an claim you've created a new one.

Tommo: synonyms - harry styles, haz, hazza.

Haz: Oh, ha, ha, real funny.

Haz: I'm having a proper laugh right now.

Haz: Is my sarcasm translating through the screen?

Tommo: nah, sorry mate, don't think me phone has that feature

Tommo: i appreciate the compliment, but really, you've got to stop hitting on me. it's beginning to corrupt me humble nature


Haz: We're platonic friends.

Haz: Just a couple of bro dudes doing what they do best.

Tommo: right, cause that's definitely what i say to all my 'bro dudes'

Haz: Okay listen, the majority of that statement was wrong anyways. You were literally just bragging about your strength about one conversation ago, and you can't even walk on your own. Humble my ass.

Tommo: is that right now?

Tommo: i'll show you

Haz: Oh god, I've made a mistake.

Haz: Please don't try to prove me wrong, I believe you!

Haz: You can zoom so fast, buddy. Faster than anyone before you. Even after some freak accident, you're well equipped to take on any challenge.

Tommo: damn right i can

Tommo is typing...

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