Chapter 3

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I put me ear to her mouth, "She's breathing but it's weak." I feel her pulse, "Same with her pulse it's weak. I need the oxy."

Deano hands it to me and I put it on her face putting the strap on her head. Her skin is pale and a slight shade of purple. I put her in the recovery position.

I look up at her friend who is hyperventilating and looks like she's about to cry. "Hey, hey. Calm down. She's going to be fine."

Deano stands and walks over to her sitting her down on the buggie. "We're giving her some oxy which will help her blood flow and help her to feel better. An ambulance is on the way." He explains

Sophie starts coughing I look back down at her and put the oxygen mask up letting her cough up water I dig a whole by her mouth making sure she doesn't choke on it.

She starts to spew up water there's hardly even any food with it just water.

"That's it, let it all it out." I tell her rubbing her back as she heaves her body already weak I can't imagine how much work it is for her to spew. I hold her wet hair back.

She starts to dry heeve and then coughs. She groans and closes her eyes. "Oh my god Soph! Soph are you alright!" Her friend comes over.

She slips in and out of consciousness not answering. I slide the oxygen back on her mouth. "She's alright. She just weak." I tell her. "Sophia keep your eyes open for me."

I feel her pulse again and it's a little better. Her colour is coming back.

Her eyes open a bit, "Where am I?" She asks her voice raspy.

"You're on the beach, safe."

"Soph! Are you okay?!" Her friend asks

"I'm..I'm alright Ave.."

She groans rolling on her back holding her head, "Did you hit your head?" I ask

"Yeah.." The story changes Deano grabs the Neck brace.

"Okay Deano is going to put a neck brace on you to make sure you don't do anymore damage if it's serious." I tell her now holding her head still.

"Okay.." Deano puts it on her neck.

Sophia's P.O.V

I hear an ambulance in the distance. My head spins, I just want to eyes slowly close.

"Darlin can you open your eyes for me." I hear a female voice. My eyes slowly open seeing a women in a dark blue jumper. "Where did you hit your head?"

"The back..."

She presses lightly, "Tell me where it hurts okay?" She tells me light pushing on other spots.


She gets to one spot which is in the back father up from the neck brace. "Ow, right there.."

"Okay. Can you squeeze and push on my hands and tell me if it hurts." She tells me holding onto my hands.

I push and squeeze but nothing hurts, "No nothing hurts.."

"Okay. Now can you push your feet on my hands and tell me if it hurts" She tells me putting her hands on my feet

I push and my ankle sears with pain. "Ah! Ah! Ow, ow my ankle."

She looks at my bloody ankle and feels it, "Looks like you sprained it. Actually you almost dislocated it."

"Okay we're still going to take you to the hospital to do some checks and we're going to do a scan on your lungs and make sure there's no water on your lungs."


"Can I come with her?" Avery asks her

"Are you family?"

"No but she's a friend who's basically like family to me.." I tell her

"Okay yes you can come."

"Thank you."

They transfer me to a carrier and puts a one of their neck braces on.

I look at Whippet, "Thank you Ryan..." I tell him, "Thank you for saving my life...both of you." I smile

He smiles, "Take care Sophia."

I give him a smile.


I fell asleep on the way to the hospital and stayed asleep.

I awake in a bright room and look over at Avery who is reading a magazine. She puts it down.

"Soph! Your awake! Good news you only have a mild concussion and no spinal injury. You didn't need any stitches and they took the rest of the water out of your lungs. That's what they said to me."

"All while I was sleeping?"

"Well no they gave you something to keep you from waking up and freaking out." She smiles

"When can I leave?"


"Oh thank Lordy." She giggles, "What?"


"What? That's what Aussies say..?"

She giggles again, "Okay. You were here for a day already by the way."



"I'm going to get something for them." I tell Avery as we exit the hospital.

"What you will you get?"

"I don't know. Maybe a six pack of beer or something."

"Well they probably won't be able to drink it on the job, but what Aussie doesn't love beer." She tells me I laugh

"You got a point, they're always talking about cracking a cold one." I snicker

"I'm surprised Aussies don't start 'Brekkie' with a cold one."

"Oh my god stop, you're so rude." I can't help but laugh, Avery snorts laughing so hard at herself.

I roll my eyes while I smile, "Girl you are crazy. Come on, let's catch a cab."

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