Chapter 8

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I link my arm with Whippet's holding his hand in the moon light. My foot catches the other and topple forward. He catches me and dips me. "THAT makes you even more hot..." He looks me in the eyes and his eyes traveling down on my face. "I think we should kiss.." I tell him

"Me too.." He closes his eyes parting his lips. I close my eyes and do the same his soft lips connect with mine.

I press my lips against his more passionately. He lifts me back to my feet from the dip but he doesn't unconnect our lips and I'm glad. I part my lips a little more letting his tongue slip into my mouth.

I put my hand on his face and my other running through his hair.

We pull apart, "Holly shit." I gasp, "Think I'm sober now.." I tell him he laughs.

"I'll drive you back. No a good idea to have to walking back drunk as a skunk at night." He tells me, "Where's your apartment?"

"Somewhere over there..." I slur leaning against closing my eyes. "how about you bring me to your Apartment or house.." I slur smiling with eyes closed.

"Your telling me you don't remember where your apartment is?"

"It's somewhere near icebergs....103.." My body wants to rest I moan sleepily smelling his musky but fresh smell.
"God you smell good. And you look good, and you kiss good..your hot and don't get me started on think about you shirtlessssss." I slur giggling, I slip down his body falling asleep but he holds me up right.

I press my lips against his and pull away giggling, "Love you." I whisper and then I black out.

Whippet's P.O.V

"Love you." She whispers loudly and then her eyes roll back and she falls into me. I wrap my arms around her.

"Soph," Shes out like a light.

Guess I'm bring her to my place.


Once I get to my place I unclip her seat belt and pick her up.

Her body light. I close the door and lock it.

I get to the boot and put the key in the door using my arms to hold her to unlock the door. I get into my house and bring her to my bed.

I lay her on my bed and go to set up the couch to sleep on when I hear her whisper, "Stay.." she tells me holding my arm.

"Okay, just let me change." I grab my trousers from my lifeguard uniform and go into the bathroom. My trousers are the only thing that's comfortable even though I sleep with my knickers on but I need to wear more then that if Sophia is going to sleep in my bed with me. I take my shirt off and quickly brush my teeth. I come out the bathroom and get into bed.

She moans sleepily rolling over and snugging into me. My breath hitches my body tensing, I sigh relaxing.


Sophia's P.O.V

I stir awake breathing in a sent of my sheets—wait a second...I don't wear cologne. I open my eyes the sun piercing what feel like my brain.

I groan my head throbbing. How much did I drink last night. The memories come rushing back foggy but the main ones there. I feel the covers rustle beside me. Oh no...we didn't.. I look under the sheets to see that my Romper is still on, oh thank goodness.. I sigh with relief. Because I ain't ready for that yet.

I hear Whippet groan suffling around he turns and faces me. My breath hitches as I watch him sigh sleepily. I can't help but watch him sleep the whitish grey sheets bring out his tanned body.

I guess he doesn't have work. I smile looking at how handsome he is even when he's sleeping.

I turn into my side facing away from him and scooting my body closer to his. My back hits his stiff strong body. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. I smile goofily my body relaxing against his as my eyes close again.

My eyes open again feeling like only a few seconds gone by I look over not seeing Whippet he must've got up.

I look at the clock on the night stand. "9:35 AM?" I whisper, ugh I just want to stay with him all day.. My phone vibrates on the night stand behind me. Shit! I turn not realizing how close I am to the edge I fall off the bed hitting the floor with a loud thump I groan my head feeling like someone just hit it with a hammer. My phone falls onto my face. Uh. OW.

"Soph you alright?" I hear Whippet shout from what seems like downstairs.

"Mhm yup.." I tell him holding my head, I can't tell if I hit it or not...I think I did...? I squeeze my eyes shut this doesn't feel like a regular hang over.

I stand up stumbling to the side and I hit the floor my head pounding my vision goes black.

Whippet's P.O.V

I hear her hit the floor again. "Sophia?" I ask worryingly as I climb up the steps.
I enter the room seeing her unconscious on the floor. "Sophia!" I lean down beside her checking her pulse, it's normal.

She groans, opening her eyes. Her blue green eyes focus on me.

"Your concussion Sophia."

Sophia's P.O.V

My eyes open and I gain focus, "I-I'm fine.." I sit up

"You sure? You already have an mild concussion. That hit could've gave you a severe one, it could cause your brain to swell.."

"I need to get back to Avery though...I already went to the hospital once."

"And your going again. You could've done more damage which could result in your brain swelling. I don't want you dying because you didn't go to the hospital to get checked." He scoops me up in bridal position I don't fight against him my whole body feeling like jelly.

I groan squeezing my eyes shut resting my head on his firm chest.

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