Chapter 8

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Sundays were typically my day off

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Sundays were typically my day off.

A day to sleep in, run errands, catch up with my parents over the phone, and laze around my apartment watching television.

And apparently, a great day to make out with hot men. Or one man in particular.


Whereas we never got to play out my elevator fantasy back in San Francisco, there wasn't a lick of hesitation once the doors closed this time around. My back hit the wall as his lips claimed mine—so eager, so sensuous, I was surprised my legs didn't immediately turn to jelly. His tongue traced the seam of my lips, eliciting a moan from me, and when I opened for him, I fully sank into the kiss.

So much so that I forgot exactly where we were until Derrick pulled back and the doors slid open on the twentieth floor of Derrick's high-rise.

"Am I the only one who thought that went by way too fast?" I breathed.

A chuckle rumbled his chest. "No," he mused, grabbing my hand to lead me down the hall. "Though it's certainly not over. More of a to-be-continued state."

There was no ignoring the warmth that rolled down my spine, or the quiver in the pit of my stomach surely caused by lust. All anticipation on my body's part, remembering how good it'd been with him. How good it was going to be again.

And judging by the long strides he took and the ease with which he plucked his keys from his pocket and unlocked his apartment, I wasn't the only one keen for this repeat.

"Now," he said once the door closed behind us, voice low as he backed me up against it, "where were we?"

I raised up on my tiptoes, slinging my arms loosely around his neck. "I think—" I stopped a hairsbreadth away from his lips, our breath mingling. "—right about here."

My eyes fluttered shut when he leaned in, his mouth grazing mine softly. Though before we could go any further, we were interrupted by a loud bark and a soft thunder of footsteps.

Pulling back with amusement, I saw he'd clenched his eyes shut. "I'm going to go ahead and assume that wasn't you who just barked," I said teasingly.

"No. No it wasn't."

I held in a laugh, peeking around him to see a fully-grown Labrador bounding our way, paws skidding across the hardwood. "Hey, buddy," I gushed, squatting to run a hand through his golden fur. Clearly happy to see us, his tail wagged and he panted happily. "What's your name?"

"This is Scout." Derrick dropped to our level, embarrassment from having a dog interrupt us gone except for the red tint I spotted lingering on the back of his neck. "He's technically Ryan's, but I think he secretly loves me more. Ain't that right bud? Aren't you a good boy?"

I cracked a smile, watching him interact with the dog he clearly loved as if it was his own. The scene gripped my heart in a tight squeeze, spreading a warmth through me that was only intensified when Derrick turned to meet my gaze.

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