Chapter 9

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Sleep came far too easy that night

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Sleep came far too easy that night.

Derrick had driven me home before Ryan returned, which I was grateful for, seeing as I hadn't particularly looked forward to blushing as red as a firetruck under what would surely have been a knowing grin. Though when he pulled up outside my apartment, we'd spent another couple of minutes making out, hoping passersby didn't look too closely through his windows.

When I finally stepped inside, both exhausted and spilling with euphoria, I knew there was no use trying to be productive. I changed into my pajamas, tossed a bowl of leftovers into the microwave for a late dinner, and collapsed on the couch with a reality tv show on. And later, when I more or less melted into bed, my body still singing in satisfaction, I drifted off with a silly smile on my lips.

And there was no tampering the good mood I woke up with.

Not when one of my contacts fell down the sink, forcing me to wear my glasses for the day. Not when—thanks to the cold—my car wouldn't start, making me bundle up in extra layers to walk to meet my friends for our weekly Monday morning hang out. Not when the barista behind the counter told me they were out of blueberry muffins, recommending I go with their lemon poppy seed instead. And not even when I joined Esme and Harper at our usual table, and they tried to drag every last detail of the date from me.

"Tell me you guys banged." Esme watched me eagerly, impatient for a response as she turned to her own girlfriend. "She did, right?" She looked back at me, examining my features closely. "Please tell me you did."

Harper's irises sparkled with amusement. "Considering she's not denying anything, I'm assuming the answer is yes. She did."

"How about we talk about anything else?" I drawled, though I wasn't really all that bothered. They were my best friends, and if you couldn't tell your best girl friends about your Sunday sexcapades, who could you tell?

"We will, as soon as you give us something about your date," Esme countered. "Any small detail. Or big details, like how big was his—"

"Or," Harper cut her off with a bemused smile as I felt my cheeks heat, "you can just tell us where he took you."

"We went bowling."

There was a moment of silence as my response registered with them before they both burst into laughter.

"And how did that go?" Harper asked, eyes twinkling with mirth. "Did you swindle him out of house and home?"

A light laugh escaped me as I shook my head. "Not quite." Dropping my gaze, I cupped my hands around my to-go cup. "But we did go back to his place after."

Esme leaned forward in her seat, eager for the admission to come. "And...?"

"And—" I leaned in as well, dropping my voice to just above a whisper. "—we hooked up."

The squeal that followed was enough to shock me back to my side of the table, my eyes widening and face reddening as a slew of looks—both curious and annoyed—were shot our way.

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