Chapter 12 part2

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Avni woke up first to feel some weird but still soothing sound under her right ear ! A heart beat !!! She opens her eyes in shock to see what's happening in her dream or reality maybe ! Oh it's just neil !
He looks so handsome in his sleep and hot too extremely hot !

Avni didn't realize how or when her finger travelled his jawline to his beard and then moustache going slowly towards the eyes and surprise they are open .

Avni blushes Terribly out of embarrassment how can she touch his face when he is sleeping ?? She gets up first to run to the bathroom but he held her wrist and pulled her towards him with force that she ended with her tiny hands on his hard chest .

Neil looks at her for a moment before talking :"what where you doing ?" She tried to read his face but there is nothing not happiness or anger ..

Avni: « I'm sorry ! I was just . I was touching your beard I never touched a beard so closely ,that's why ! »

what a lie he thinks ,he definitely felt happy that a woman was exploring his face while sleeping it's the best way to wake up by his friend type of wife but she doesn't know how that affected him and his hormones as a man and because they are friend they can't do anything to help him down there . So soon the joy got replaced by irritation .

Neil: « don't do that again ! »now she can read his face he looks pissed ,Avni embarrassed and ashamed looks down nodding her head as a yes and start getting up but Neil pulls her obliging her to make eye contact with him to say something making her now confused more than embarrassed : « I mean ! U..m you can do it but not in the morning ! »he said it simply and got up and whore his clothes taking his laptop he was going out from the window but she stops him .

Avni: « uu..m neil! Can you please comeback later ! I mean from the door ! »

Neil : « why? »

Avni: « well! I always wanted to see my family having dinner with my boyfriend ! » what the hell am I saying ? (Avni thought !!)

Neil: « and you never had a boyfriend to see that ! So you want me to have dinner with them as your husband ! »he asks questionably.

Avni just nodded her head in response .

Neil: « yeah okay sure I'll come in the evening ! »Avni smiled at him and looks down not knowing if she should hug him or just smile as a goodbye for now .

Neil: « by the way ! Why didn't you have any boyfriend ! »

Avni: « well! Whenever I felt that I was interested in someone he would turn out older than me like 5 sometimes 6 years more than me ! »

Neil shifted uncomfortably while standing before asking again : « how is that a problem ? »

Avni: « well ! The personality of older guys is always too differnent than mine ,I mean I wanted a lover who could understand the way I think and feel not someone who would make me like them or change my way of thinking just because they are older than me ! »

Neil looks at her for a moment before speaking : « google me ! »he says it and with out a warning he jumps out of the window which is not high at all from the floor heading to his car making Avni confused .she debates about googling him now or after showering and she goes with the second option .
Avni took a shower and had breakfast totally forgetting about Neil's words .

In the noon she went out with her bffs and little sister wearing jeans and tshirt they were eating ice cream sitting in a bench when Avni's phone rang (Neil).
Before she could speak he uttered fast: «at what hour should I come ? For u know? The .. dinner ! »

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