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a/n: decided to double update :) don't forget to read chapter 44 + 45 in order. oh, and ... enjoy ... ;)



What awaited her was an arched entrance into the center of the new block. It was a passage, Quinn realized, leading to the courtyard of the block itself. It was cloaked in shadow, enough to make Quinn reach carefully for her handgun, reassuring herself it was still there. There was a wide, wooden double door at the end of it, though one of the doors was cracked open, allowing a glimpse into the courtyard beyond.

Locke is right behind you, Quinn thought, securing herself in that knowledge. Her brain zeroed in on the thought of his hand on her cheek mere minutes before, though she shoved that aside quick enough.

Forcing her legs to move through the dark passage, Quinn kept her eyes locked on the light inside of the courtyard instead of the long shadows tracking her movements. The dark passageway was empty, save for the scurry of some animal which disappeared quick enough when it realized she was there.

Quinn touched the edge of her gun again. She wore a large jacket to cover the holster, courtesy of Gavin. It worked well enough to conceal it, warding off some of the nightly chill which seemed to cling to the air at times.

That chill had settled firmly in her skin, edging to her bones. It rooted even more firmly when Quinn's glances detected a figure moving at the other end of the courtyard.

Stepping out of the passageway, Quinn's eyes stuck to the figure. It headed toward her with determined steps. Once it reached the light, Quinn noted a pale face, with a hawkish nose, thin lips and skin that almost seemed translucent in the yellow light from the lights mounted in the courtyard.

"Quinn O'Reilly?" The voice called, the tone hard and uneven as it called out her name.

"I am Quinn O'Reilly," Quinn replied, pleased she'd managed to keep her tone from wavering, "I'm here for Katya."

They had apparently believed that Willa was Katya, and Quinn wasn't about to play out the fact that she knew it wasn't Kat. That might mean they'd simply execute Willa, as she held no actual value. It was eons better if they thought she was Katya, for all of them.

Even for Willa.

The man nodded in turn, reaching for his pocket. Muscles freezing, Quinn felt herself itch to reach for her gun.

Don't reveal that you have it until you absolutely have to, Quinn.

Forcing herself to remain absolutely still, she felt herself relax as the man only withdrew a phone from his pocket. He spoke swiftly into it, in stream of Czech too quick for her to even attempt to understand.

"Come with me," The stranger called, again. He turned his back.

Quinn froze in place.

You know the protocol.

"I want proof of life." She called, keeping her voice loud and clear.

The man stopped in place. A sigh escaped him. He reached into the pocket again, pressing a number of buttons on the smartphone before he placed it by his ear. He barked an order into it, then removed it from his phone.

"Video. Here."

He neared Quinn, though his eyes were narrow, brows furrowed in suspicion. He tossed the phone to her, a video already visible on the screen. She played it, watched as whoever filmed circled Willa's shaking form.

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