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a/n: second chapter of the finale parts posted tonight. 



Adina was sitting quietly atop the uncomfortable bed in the holding cell, hands folded neatly in her lap. The only sign of her impatience had been the slight movement of her hand, twisting the rings on her finger, as she waited for the news to arrive.

By now, Vahid should've completed her part of Op HLS.

Any moment now, Tibble thought, watching the door with sharp eyes.

'Any moment now' occurred a few minutes later. Tibble's eyes remained fastened on the door as she heard the jingle of the lock clicking open, before the sour face of a guard appeared in the doorway.

"You've been called," The man explained, gesturing for her to get up, "By the Director."

"Exciting." Adina said, the corners of her lips curving as she got up from her perch on the bed, "I'll make sure to bring up the quality of these beds."

The guard kept his mouth flat, merely waving at her to get out of the cell. Adina followed, happy to escape the dry air of the holding cell. The guard let the door fall shit behind her before he started moving down the length of the hallway, pace brisk. Adina followed easily, her heels clicking noticeably against the shiny flooring as they approached the end of the hallway.

When they stepped into the elevator, the guard keyed in the passcode for the top floor. The light switched to green on the control panel, the doors softly sliding shut. The guard aimed several nervous looks Tibble's way, and after growing weary of it Adina directed a sharp glare back his way.

He swallowed, pressing himself into the wall of the elevator. They arrived minutes later, the uncomfortable tension broken by the ping signalling the opening of the doors. As they slid open, they revealed the conference room at the very top of the Knightsbridge HQ.

Where it had all started — and where it all would end if Adina had her way with the proceedings.

Straightening her posture, tipping her chin up, Adina exited the elevator. This time, the guard trailed her as she neared the glass doors to the conference room. A number of Chiefs were already inside, their figures obscuring the view of the oval table they usually sat around.

Pressing another code into the final door separating the conference room, Adina steeled herself before she stepped inside. A number of heads turned, eyes widening as they turned to her.

"What on Earth is she doing here?" A male voice barked.

Adina's eyes shot to the livid, red face of co-Chief Havas.

"Oh, do shut up, Jonathan." Adina said calmly, dusting off her top as she met the eyes of Director Kimmel.

Havas bristled, temper kicking up another notch. Co-Chief Sanders looked decidedly worried his colleague was going to implode, and so said a few quiet words into his co-Chief's ear. They didn't seem to help, as Havas merely aimed a furious look Sanders' way.

"Chief Tibble is here in her capacity as the current Chief of Intelligence, as a fellow Chief has called an emergency meeting."

"That's a load of — "

"I sincerely hope the next words out of your mouth are 'correct procedure', co-Chief Havas, or I'll have you removed."

Kimmel's words sliced through the temper raging in Havas' face, and he balled his fists, though wisely decided to keep his mouth shut. The Chiefs all turned around to face the table, again, and Adina finally saw why none of them had sat down.

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