𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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"What do you wanna watch?" I ask Chase while I lay on my stomach my feet in his lap. We're in his apartment and decided for a movie night which explains me zapping through the tv channels. "I kinda need something salty to eat." Chase says his eyes a bit dazed. "I told you we should've grabbed chips before settling down I'm not going anywhere now." He rolls his eyes at me. "It's four thirty A." He grabs my legs and throws them off his lap making me chuckle because I'm hella ticklish at my legs. "I'm gonna check by Delmar's he has chips want anything." I roll myself on my back thinking about it. "Yes popcorn but sweet one!" I tell him and he chuckles shaking his head. He grabs the keys and leaves the apartment. He and I kinda stopped dating, well we realized that we weren't even dating before. We're friends and it's kinda weird if it's going to be more between us so we decided to just stop and stay friends. No one knows that though I didn't dare tell Khadijha because she would talk my ear off about Hero again. Joaquin left me and is on Hero's side as well. I sigh and zap through the channels again but it doesn't seem like anything good is on. I get up from the couch and walk to his small cabinet where he has a few DVD's . Okay that was a lie he has like 3 DVD's. The godfather, Shrek and barefoot. The last one he bought for me. I grab the case happily and put the dvd into the player. I know I'm not big about movies but that Scott Speedman guy is an exception. I get back to the couch and wonder why Chase is taking so long, Delmars is practically two minutes away. My phone vibrates against my thigh.
"Turn on Channel 3 now!"
It's a message from Khadijha and it confuses me. She knows I'm at Chases maybe the text wasn't for me?
Why? I text back and immediately she answers.
Just do it you idiot.
"Just do it you idiot." I say in a high pitched voice.
Stop mocking me and turn on the channel.
Oh well that's creepy. I decide to not get into a fight with her and turn on the channel. The image in the small box surprises me. It's Hero well dressed, smiling towards me happily. I quickly get up from the couch stumbling and almost hitting my head on the table but I land on my knees painfully right in front of the tv. I put the speaker loud and hear his laugh coming out of the box. Carefully I cross my legs because I'm scared I hurt myself again.
"So Hero we talked about your past relationship with April but what we all wonder is why exactly you wanted to do this interview?"
"This is a lot more complicated to just spill it out I guess I need to start from the beginning."
Oh god. My throat gets dry at his voice and I already feel my eyes prickling. How am I still feeling like this even though it's months ago that we dated. Almost half a year.
"You probably know of the rumors that I cheated on April and you know that it was a misunderstanding. The thing is after that was cleared up I kinda passed the right moment to win April back." He folds his hands in his lap taking a small break.
"I obviously wanted her back my feelings for April were never gone and they are never going to change because she just gets me she's like my other half you know?" The interviewer nods even though I'm sure he's not understanding one what Hero's taking about. The worst thing is I do understand what he's talking about. Like I always did and I always will.
"Anyways the point is I actually flew out to see her while she was away. I saw her kissing this other guy I don't want to say names because that's irrelevant. I just locked down and I don't wanted to interrupt her life because I just thought maybe she's better off without me." I wasn't better off without him. This is what makes me angry. He decided for myself that I was doing better without him he didn't even give me the chance to decide for myself!

"The thing is I was stupid and scared. I was hurt that she let someone other touch her and be with her the way that I was with her. So I let her be with him. Joaquin her best friend was persistent in opening my eyes and overcoming my fears. For her. I needed to deserve her love I hurt her even though it wasn't intentional it was still my fault."
I never saw him this open in front of a camera or in public at all it makes me proud even though his words hurt and confuse me totally. He pushes his hand through his hair nervously and I my eyes get watery again but I push the tears away so I can see the screen clearly.
"Sorry I'm drifting off. The whole purpose of this is to make an offer for April." My breath stops at his words. An offer? What does he mean. I lean forward curious what his next words are going to reveal. I still can't even believe that he's doing a fucking interview because of me!
" I sorted out my future plans and if I'm being honest if April is not going to be in them this is all not worth it. No offense to all actors but I already thought about this many times. If I have to choose between my career and April the decision isn't really hard. I want to be with April and I can't believe what damage my career has caused to her and our past relationship. It's harder than it looks sometimes and I shouldn't have gotten her mixed into this. That's why I'm final in my decision and I hope that she can forgive me. Forgive me and please give me another chance because I love you April and there's never going to be anything or anyone who can change that."
With his last words he looks directly into the camera and it feels like he's in this room with me telling me that he loves me. His sweet words burn and pull at the strings of my heart because I so desperately want to believe them. Deep down I know he's telling the truth he wouldn't go through so much trouble if it weren't true right?
"What are you trying to tell us with that Hero?" The interviewer asks him curiously but you can see that he already knows the answer to that question. I hear the keys jingle at the lock but I don't really realize it with the next words Hero speaks out.
"I'm quitting my career I'm not going to film anymore I'm getting out of the lights totally and fully. I want a life with April and if it's not possible with my job with this lifestyle I'm quitting..for her."

The Artist - 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now