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sorry everyone!! i realised that i published chapter nine and forgot to publish this chapter first!!

read this chapter first and re read chapter nine; it will make a lot more sense !

5 months later

"fenrys!" aelin shouted at the fae that was currently sat on top of the highest point of the castle. she could just make out rowan in his bird form, pecking at the younger's head "get down from there!"

"why should i?" he shouted back. the queen of terrasen huffed, but laughed nonetheless.

"because if you fall and die, then i have a lot of boring paper work to fill out!"

a month after aelin's return from maeve, they had not stopped searching for ways to get fenrys back. however, one morning he appeared at the front gates, hunched over and dying.

it turns out, that the wolf shifter had tunnelled as far as he could into his power over time and generated enough magic to teleport to the front gates of orynth.

how he had done it, aelin didn't know. sheer will?.

but previous to doing so, he had broken the blood oath to maeve. what was the point of escape, she had asked if you were just going to die after, anyways.

it was worth the risk to get away from her, was his only answer through his panted breaths.

so the queen had fought her best to keep him alive. now, fenrys was blood sworn to her and a total pain in her ass-

a yelp sounded as fenrys jumped from the roof, knees buckling as he hit the ground.

"well that was further down than i expected" he mumbled, rubbing his legs with a grimace on his face.

she rolled her eyes and eventually, the fae trotted off to go see to his small injuries.

"good morning, fire heart" rowan smiled as he shifted mid air and landed softly (unlike fenrys) next to her.

"you do know that he is going to raid the kitchen, not see a healer. i can hear him sneaking in there".

aelin shook her head with a grin and opened her palm. she closed her eyes and willed her fire to grow so that when she opened them, she would see an animal there.

she did just that. a crocodile made of flames was now on the ground at her feet. with a flick of her hands, it ran off down the halls of the castle.

rowan's brows scrunched in confusion and he opened his mouth to speak but she held up a finger as if to say wait a moment.

seconds later, a scream sounded from fenrys. when the pair turned their heads, they could see the fae male running down the halls (an assortment of snacks in his arms) as aelin's new pet chased him back to his room.

"i feel sorry for our child already if that's what they'll have to go through" rowan laughed.

"fenrys is a test subject for all my parenting methods."

a window opened and a blonde haired head stuck out. "i'm not a child!" fenrys scowled from the opening of the roof.

aelin ignored him and looked down at her stomach. she was six months along now and the huge bump proved it.

much to rowan's dismay, his mate still trained with him every morning. he went easy, though, but he understood that aelin still needed control.

when she first suggested it and rowan cringed away from the idea, she had simply said:

"if you don't pass me the dagger and train with me, then i will get goldryn and chop you into itty bitty pieces. and then with those itty bitty pieces, i will-"

rowan had cut her off before she could finish her graphic plan. if the woman wasn't demanding and ferocious before, with her hormones, she certainly was now.

"you should really move those daggers away from your stomach" rowan mumbled as he placed a hand on her belly, eyes gleaming with emotion.

aelin was wearing a pair of tight, brown, leather pants and a simple white shirt that hung over her bump and also slightly dropped  past it.

across her torso was a matching leather band that was strapped around one shoulder and went diagonally down her chest and around her back.

along it was a few loops in which various daggers were slotted through.

"rowan, it's fine. they won't fall off and injure me, i promise"

"i know, i just worry sometimes."

her gaze softened at that and she put a hand on his shoulder, pulling him close and embracing him tightly.

the hug was slightly awkward with her large bump in the way, but they made it work.

"i need to carry something," she said at last "we are at war, you know".

it was as if aelin's words had triggered something in the world. a man suddenly leapt out from the bushes and tackled rowan to the ground.

the stench of the person was valg. aelin could never forget that smell.

before she could help, rowan twisted around in an instant and cut off his head. it thudded to the floor harshly and black blood leaked from his neck.

"well that was somethi-" she began, but the image on the horizon cut off her words entirely.

a hundred valg soldiers marched for the gates of orynth.

[ a/n : bit of a shorter chapter today unfortunately as i'm really tired lol ]

if you have any suggestions for things for me to add in the story or things you'd like me to write about, please let me know! i need ideas and inspiration <3

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