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3 months later

aelin was ten months pregnant - a few weeks over her due date. the healers had said that it was perfectly natural and that the baby would be ready to come any day now.

it didn't feel natural, though. it felt tiring and tedious; her stomach was so big that she couldn't even walk properly, let alone stand up successfully from a chair.

with the help of rowan, she stood up from the bed and walked towards her dresser, pulling on a long top that hung nicely over her bump. even though there was no way she could physically fight, she still strapped her various knives across her torso and sheathed goldryn down her back.

better to be safe than sorry.

"not long now, fireheart" rowan smiled, walking up to her and placing a hand on her belly. he rubbed it gently and laughed when he felt a small kick on her side.

"i can't wait to get it out of me" she replied. rowan frowned at her words and no doubt opened his mouth to tell her not to call their child an 'it'.

but the queen lifted up her hand and over his lips before he could talk "you try carrying a fae for ten months and then see how you feel at the end of it".

her mate just chuckled and held up his hands in surrender before walking off into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

aelin made her way down the halls and wondered about the castle - she had no idea on how to spend her time, but after a few minutes she finally ran into some company.

"morning, lysandra" the queen smiled, embracing her friend into a tight hug.

"how's big mother?" the shifter asked. aelin raised an eyebrow in confusion. big mother?

"gods, don't ever call me that again"  she laughed.

"aelin, lysandra" a man greeted them from behind. when the pair turned, they almost groaned at who stood before them.

lord darrow.

even though by the end of the war he had allowed aelin her crown, he had taken it upon himself to make it the most annoying job he possibly could for her.

"i have some papers that you need to fill out for market prices" he said, extending a hand that held a stack of papers. it was almost as tall as her, she though with a sigh.

"i'll be honest, lord darrow" the queen began. the man simply listened with a stone face "i'm ten months pregnant and frankly, a bit pissy"

the lord opened his mouth to speak, most likely to spew some crap about how she needed to take on responsibility and sort her life out. however, she cut him off with her rant:

"so no, i won't do the papers. they're exactly the same as all the other ones i've done, so just give them to lorcan or something".

"lorcan?" lysandra asked "is that a good idea?"

"he's lord of perranth now, is he not?"

"i suppose so" lord darrow drawled, turning around to walk off. before he could get completely out of earshot, aelin shouted down the halls.

"write him a note from me! say in it that he's one of the greatest fae warriors and that this meaningful task will be perfect to occupy his time. add a few little kisses on the end."

at the moment, everyone was back in the castle of orynth - lysandra, aedion, rowan (of course), dorian, manon, chaol, yrene, lorcan and elide. everyone was waiting with anticipation for the day that erawan would come to invade terrasen, so they decided collectively that it would be best to stay here.

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