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everyone here looked disgusted. maybe he just didn't look good enough for the world. oh well, the looks didn't affect like usual. they just made him tired. why do people waste so much energy on hating him? was it the way he looked? or walked? or maybe just everything? he just wants a reason. just a reason to understand why they didn't like him. hating people take energy, and he didn't want them to waste energy on him if they didn't need to. maybe he'll just wear a mask.

yeah. i'll do that. he reached into his bag and came back out with an ordinary black mask. it came to the middle of the bridge of his nose. it didn't cover the rest of his face but his hair took care of that. boring bangs hung over his tired eyes. it made the bags under his eyes less noticeable. sweater of his uniform across his body, it luckily being long enough. all of his clothes were bigger on him so he'd seem smaller, people can't hate you if you aren't much of threat. that's something he learned. in fact, it was one of the first rules of being invisible he had written down. yes, he did keep a book of these things. it was an idea he picked up from a character he related to from one of his favorite shows.

but the book was the least of his worries. he needed to focus on the loud yelling coming from the other side of his homeroom door. the rowdy sounding sounds were promising to him. he could have friends just like his old ones. this was different, nothing close to his old routine. no one stopped to stare at him when the door slid open. a few eyes glanced over him but nothing happened, he had grown so used to his friends punching him when he came in that he worried himself. hopefully he'll find someone to fill the void soon.

the day passed by alarmingly quick. people had talked to him, but none acted like he was used to. were these people sick? where was the punching or kicking, no one even slapped him. the closest thing he got was a guy with sharp eyes and a strong grip smacking his back. this was even more boring than his old school.

when the ordinary boy finally came out of the school gates he was stopped abruptly. two men were in front of him. but he didn't go around, he simply looked up at them and tilted his head. one was blond with what appeared to be prescription glasses, the other had black hair slicked back and sunglasses. the blond grinned and pulled the smaller boys wrist. he whispered something inaudible in the dull boys ear, who only responded with a curt nod.

this encounter was different somehow. it's wasn't monotone, and he felt a tingle in his stomach. is this what people call butterflies? maybe. but who could blame him? the two males were good looking, and gave him an offer he couldn't resist.

the blond introduced himself first, his name being joon goo. the other didn't talk much but bluntly identified himself as jong gun. the car he was lead to was expensive. goo refused to let go of <names> waist so gun had to drive. the ride to their destination gave the small boy time to get red and,,, happy? how do these two, who appear to be gangsters, make a monotone boy happy? it must of been the thought of action the two ensued.


𝑵𝑬𝑴𝑬𝑺𝑰𝑺𝑴 (𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯)Where stories live. Discover now