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there is always something the guard dogs can't protect <name> from. goo. its nothing bad, he just nags. he doesn't like that they don't get to take their blandly interesting boyfriend to school anymore. although he'd never admit it, gun really did enjoy driving the smaller to school, car rides were the few times <name> would talk a lot. none of them really knew why but they didn't care. but since vasco somehow found out where the boy lived(they later found out jace had done some 'detective' work)they couldn't take him anymore.

one morning though, <name> tugged on guns sleeve and pointed to the keys in his hands. goo noticed the gesture and dragged them both out into the parking garage, not even stopping to let <name> greet his friends. gun and <name> were pushed into the back seat, the smaller landing in black haired males lap and not moving. gun was a little surprised at the boy. goo shushed him when he fell asleep. right there. in guns lap. let me tell you, that was an adorable sight.

oh no. they're cute! oh shit i'm going to crash!

the blond managed to keep the car on the road and make it to the school. <name> ,sadly, woke up.

school sucks. the best part had to be sneaking off to the roof at lunch time to get away from his guard dogs. you could barricade the door from the outside, so the boys didn't have a way to get to him. no one came to the rooftop much, only the stoners on weekends. luckily, during the weekdays the smell of weed lessened. it didn't bother him anyway, his tolerance to things had gone up on his journey through secondary school. his pain tolerance was through the roof. his friends hit him a lot, it was normal for one to be in a bad mood when he arrived at school. the scars that littered his body from kicks and cuts weren't visible with all his clothes on, his friends made sure of that. they were all nice enough to keep them off his face, <name> just assumed they were just being sweet enough to not ruin his face, but in reality it was so no one outside of the friend group got suspicious. to them, the normal boy was too naive to realize that it wasn't normal, but deep down something felt wrong. although <name> didn't know this behavior wasn't right, he had no one to tell him otherwise.

the parents of the boy prioritized his other siblings more than him, but he didn't know that wasn't supposed to natural.
his siblings didn't listen to him, and that was natural to him.
his definition of natural is different. everyone's is.


𝑵𝑬𝑴𝑬𝑺𝑰𝑺𝑴 (𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯)Where stories live. Discover now