Chapter 11

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After supper, we all retired to bed. The dining hall had been occupied by quite a number of people but I was too tired to ask about them and nobody had offered. I had eaten to my fill and I felt warm, tired and sleepy.  Gabriella took me to my room though she seemed too quite. I couldn't help but wonder how we would survive as sisters. There were so many things we were yet to learn about each other.

After she left with a quick goodnight wish, I fell on the bed and sighed wistfully. I couldn't believe all this was mine. I had never dreamt about anything of this sort. But anyway I would take life as it was currently.

I fell asleep eventually as I thought about the current happenings.

I jolted awake. My heart was beating at a wild pace. My whole body was covered with sweat. I had had a nightmare! It was still dark and I didn't have a phone so I did not have any means to know the time. Deep down, I knew it was the deepest hours of the night and the earliest hours of the morning.

I knew I was not getting any sleep any time soon. I decided to rise and explore my room to settle my anxiety. As I turned to switch on the lights, I noticed something else that had my heart hammering again!

The paintings on the wall were glowing! The people on those pictures seemed to be watching me! I was completely freaked out and I let out an involuntary scream. I bolted out of my room without even wearing anything on top of my pajamas. I didn't even wear any shoes.

I didn't know where I was going and it was so dark. I couldn't settle my heart beat. When I felt like I couldn't take it anymore I knew I had a panic attack coming. I tried taking deep breaths but that did not seem to be working.

I sat down on the floor. I didn't even know where I was since I had been walking wildly in the dark. My breath was coming in short fast bouts. I whimpered and wished I was with my best friend Sandra. She had always been there to calm me whenever I had nightmares.

I thought about all our good times. The laughter and joy we shared. The arguments and fights we fought though they never lasted long. I thought about all our experiences and all the encounters we had had together.

I was so deep in thought about my past that I had not noticed that my panic attack had passed. That was until someone patted me on the shoulder and I nearly had a heart attack as I let out another scream out of fright.

I jumped up ready to scream again but the person put a hand over my mouth and shushed me softly. That was when I realised it was Mason. I had not even felt the normal tingles when he touched me. I had not realised I had been crying until I felt itchy on the face. I rubbed the itchy place and noticed the tears.

Mason turned me around and hugged me to him. So I cried. I cried for all my fears. I cried for my past life and I cried for my current life. I cried for all my uncertainties. Mason didn't even budge as I cried on him. He only rubbed my back in a comforting manner.

After what felt like hours I calmed down and the tears stopped falling. Mason used the t-shirt he had on to wipe away my tears. Had it been another scenario, I would have melted but at that moment I did not react in any way. I only felt greatful.

Mason led me to my room but I couldn't go in. I couldn't even find the words to tell him why. He coaxed me and finally I entered. My eyes automatically went to the photos but nothing seemed wrong with them. The room was plain and dark. It made me wonder whether I had imagined their glow. Maybe it was the aftermath of the nightmare but I was certain I had seen them glow.

Mason switched on the lights and that's when I became aware of my sleeping attire. I had on a short and a matching mickey mouse top that didn't cover too much. Mason had an intense look and I felt conscious.

I went into the closet and grabbed a robe to cover myself up. We then sat with Mason on my bed and told each other random stories. I did not even realise I had fallen asleep again.

I woke up to the chirping of birds. Mason was nowhere in sight but I already knew that he had not left my side last night. At the thought of last night, I nervously glanced at the framed photos again. Still, nothing looked out of place. I was starting to get convinced that I had been Imagining last night's incidence.

Well, that was when the framed picture of the oldest person in their order fell down and the glass broke into a thousand pieces! I was too shocked to even react. I just sat there rooted to my place not moving an inch.

I looked at the picture lying on the ground as if it would sprout ten heads and attack me. A breeze of wind blew the picture to my direction. I had not even noticed that the window had been open before! I was certain it had been closed yesternigt!

The picture just floated and landed on my bed near me and I had to stifle the scream threatening to break loose from me. As it landed, I noticed it was turned upside down and there was certain writing's and drawings. They didn't make any sense to me so I tentatively picked the photo up.

As I studied the words which were foreign to my eyes mind you, I couldn't help but feel like this were the same words appearing in my nightmares at night. I then studied the drawings and suddenly I saw myself reflected on the picture.

The reflection was that of me with a bloodied face and torn clothes. Then it flashed and on it's behalf came a dungeon of some sort. It held a huge assortment of what looked like torture tools. This was a torture chamber!  Then I saw myself tied on a table that was high up.

Standing around the table were men clad in complete black attires. They had painting on their faces that looked more like blood and I shivered. They were chanting inaudible words. But when I listened carefully, they sounded like the words from my nightmare.

As I looked at the image in front of me, the man standing at the centre of the table raised a knife high ready to strike my bound form.

That was when the door to my room opened and I jumped so high I fell off the bed. I was so frightened and shaken up that I didn't feel the impact of the fall.

When I looked up I saw a flabbergasted Mason looking at me weirdly. And then I looked at the photo on my bed but it was not there!  I looked around in a daze and sure enough, the photo was where it had been yesterday!!  Oh no, I couldn't take anymore.

Mason was on my side the next moment but my mind was blank. I just sat there not knowing what to feel anymore. This place was really confusing. This moment it's peace and calm the other moment it's torment and fear.

How are this things possible?  And what was really going on?  What  was the meaning of those things I saw on the picture hanging innocently on the wall?  What's really really going on!!??

Such kind of questions were flying through my brain. I could feel an oncoming  headache and it was still early  in the morning.

This was only the second day here and it felt like a life time. It felt like I had spent my whole life here. I was losing it. I did not know what to make of what anymore. I did not know how I was going to cope with this situation.  I most certainly did not know what to make of the things I had seen.

I knew I had to let it out or else it would eat me away slowly from the inside. I already felt like I was losing my mind. But whom was I to tell?  And how do I explain the things I was seeing?

I had to see Justin. He might and must be able to help me out of this.....


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