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        "Uh, you dropped this..."

Standing there, right in front of her was one of the goddess's sons. 'Agape?' (Y/n) thought. Along with the coat, her jaw dropped to the ground as they made eye contact.

The long haired boy wore the same white robe from the last time she saw him. Along with that, he held a familiar plushie. The King Boo plushie (Y/n) had left at the fair. With both is arms, he extended the toy to the teenager in a slightly bowed stance. Agape bit his lip anxiously and darted his brown eyes to the ground, which widened as he noticed the discarded coat. "A-ah! You dropped this too!" He exclaimed, reaching to pick up the teen's abandoned coat, and handing that over too. Awkwardly, (Y/n) plucked the two items from the boy's sweaty hands with a silent 'thank you'.

For a moment, the two stood still. Agape bowed at a full ninety-degree, and (Y/n) stared at him wide eyed. The girl was in total disbelief as her jaw nearly dropped once more. However, she was able to snap out of her suptor. Shoving the ghost-toy into the closet, the teen made a mental note to pick it up later as she put on her jacket. "Mom, I'm going out for a bit!" She yelled, unlocking the front door. Pulling it open, she heard the older woman respond back, "Be back before dinner!"

"I will!" Taking a step outside, (Y/n) looked around her lawn. Parked in the middle of the grass, was a large 'FOR SALE' sign, which stuck out like a sore thumb in contrast to the rest of her quiet neighborhood. The teen only made a few more steps away from her home before she noticed the lack of a certain presence. Turning around, the (e/c) eyed girl stared at a still bent-over-Agape, perplexed. "You coming?" She asked, jumping at how fast the male fixed his posture. With his hands clasped at his stomach, Agape met his controller's curious eyes. "Do you...want me to come?" He responded, making the female even more confused. "Uh, yeah I guess."

(Y/n) blinked, jumping as she opened her eyes. Now, standing right beside her was the navy-haired boy, who looked as if he was waiting on further instructions. To say it creeped the girl out would be an understatement. "Well...Let's get going I guess."

"So, what's your deal? Agape right?" (Y/n) and Agape had been walking around the block in silence for a while and were now on the outskirts of her neighborhood. Curiosity had been plaguing the teens mind for a while as she'd finally chose to speak up. The confused glance that the navy haired boy spared to her only brought more questions.

"Deal?" He asked. "But, you're the only one who made a deal...With Mistress Ananke." His voice grew more weary towards the end, making (Y/n) both giggle with amusement, and ponder internally. 'Mistress? Aren't they related though?' "Haha, I didn't mean literal deal silly!" Agape's face tinged red in humiliation. "I-I-"

"It's fine. But I need to understand." (Y/n) grew serious, making Agape tense up. A warm wind blew by the two, rustling their hair as she continued. "What's your relation to Miss Ananke and why did she," The (H/c) girl paused for a second, looking for the right wording. "'Give' you and your brother to me? Eros was it?"

Agape parted his lips to answer the girl's question, as if he already knew she was going to ask in the first place. "Mistress Ananke has been with me and Eros for centuries. She has shown us great hospitality in return for, uh, favors." (Y/n) watched him fiddle with the sleeves of his robe, knitting her brows at the boy's sudden weariness as he continued. "I am truly grateful and forever in her debt. Though, I'm not sure if I can say the same for my brother. He's never really been the most expressive, but I can tell Eros never really liked her; I'm not sure why." Agape paused as a small smile graced his gentle features. Moving his eyes to meet (Y/n)'s (e/c) ones, that grin soon morphed into a nervous expression. The jumpy boy hastily waved his arms at the girl as he tried to explain himself. "O-oh, but I'm sure he'll come around for you! I'm positive!"

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