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        "(Y/n)~," A soothing voice whispered into the sleeping girl's ear. A hand then placed itself onto her shoulder, gently shaking the child awake. She hummed in acknowledgment, half conscious as the voice called to her again. "Sweetie, it's time to wake up. Daifuku's downstairs waiting for you."

Turning to face the voice, (Y/n) met her mother's eyes with a confused gaze. "Daifuku?" She asked, stifling a yawn. Shortly after his birthday passed, the two became next-door-neighbors as (Y/n)'s parents thought it'd be a nice surprise gift for both of the teens. Needless to say it wasn't uncommon to see the multi-eyed male at the girl's house, but why had he shown up so early today? Taking a glance at the time on her phone, (Y/n) only grew more confused to see that it was barley seven o'clock. Was she missing something? Judging by the knowing look in (M/n)'s eyes, she most likely was. "Yes (Y/n). Don't you remember? Today's a big day!" The woman threw her arms up with a wide smile, only making her daughter more confused.

"" What was she overlooking? Was there some sort of party that she forgot about? A special event perhaps?

Seeing that the smaller (h/c) haired teen was completely stumped, (M/n) filled in the blanks. "Y'know, U.A.'s entrance exams. It's today sweetie," The woman stated, making her way to the door. Meanwhile, (Y/n) stared at the wall, trying to process the parent's words at the early hour. 'Entrance...Exams?' She blinked once. Twice. And once more before her (e/c) eyes widened in realization. "The entrance exam!"

Flinging the blanket off of her bed, the girl hastily stood up and made her way to the vanity. Stumbling over small plushies and clothes, the medium held her brush in one hand and a few hair products in the other. With a scrunchie in her mouth, (Y/n) looked at her mom through the mirror. "Tell Dai I'll be down in a few!" She requested to the older woman while trying to comb her hair into dual buns. (M/n) smiled endearingly at the young girl before disappearing behind the door. "Alright dear. I'll have breakfast ready downstairs." And with that, the (h/c) haired woman shut the door behind her, giving (Y/n) the privacy to sort herself out.

A few minutes passed and the girl had finally gotten her (h/t) hair tamed, putting some hairpins in it to keep away loose strands from her eyes. Now all that was left was to slip on her school uniform, find an outfit for the entrance exam, and...

Looking around her room, the medium noticed the lack of a certain mentor. "Nanashi?" She called, looking around for the white-haired male. Moving over to her closet, she jumped as the door swung open. Emerging from the dark room was none other than the guy she was looking for. Not far behind him floated the familiar black sailor uniform that (Y/n) was obligated to put on—bringing a smile to the teen's (s/t) face. "Just what I was looking for," She stated, thanking the ghost and rushing to slip it on—in the privacy of a bathroom of course.

When she came back, not only was her back-pack there—stuffed with an appropriate outfit for the exam—but also a steaming plate of what appeared to be the breakfast her mom had cooked sitting atop her bed. Nanashi held the smallest of smiles as he met the girl's (e/c) eyes, signing, 'Eat up. You'll need the energy.'

(Y/n) couldn't help but beam at him, wishing to just give her friend the tightest hug then and there. But that was physically impossible so the peppy teen settled on thanking him repetitively whilst stuffing her face.

Halfway done and seemingly too enveloped in her own world, both figures in the room, failed to notice a new presence arise. That is, until the sound of them clearing their throat made it obvious. "Hey (Y/n). You okay in here because I just saw a plate float itself up here and—"

"Dai!" (Y/n) exclaimed, setting her empty plate of food down to welcome the boy with open arms. Wrapping her arms around him, the medium smiled at the older woman behind him. "Hi Sachiko," The medium greeted, moving a hand to wave at the female ghost—who silently nodded back. Pulling away, (Y/n) smiled at Daifuku's flushed face. His various eyes fluttering and flickering around the room as he listened to the girl ask, "You ready to go?" Nodding in response he managed to utter out, "Ye-yeah, I just need to grab my bag by the door. Hitoshi said he'll meet us at the crossroads down the street."

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