Chapter 6

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Keith was walking along the beach, Red following happily behind, "I can't get that voice out of my head. I've looked everywhere for it, Red. Where could he be?"

As the two walked, on the other side, inconspicuously, of rocks laid Lance blinking his eyes open, closing them once more when the sun shone on his face. He slowly opened them, looking around and then spotting his legs, eyes widening in amazement.

Hunk was panting heavily, so was Coran, as Pidge flew in and perched on his leg, "Well look what the catfish dragged in! There's something different about you, Lance. Did you get a haircut?" Lance shook his head. "No? Well, I can't put my foot on it. Sooner or later I'll-"

"He has legs!" Coran exclaimed. "He traded his voice to the sea witch and... got legs."

"I knew that." Pidge scoffed.

Hunk became worried, "Lance was turned into a human by Lotor. He has to get the prince to fall in love with him a-and kiss him!"

Lance was ignoring their conversation as he was trying to stand up, toppling over.

"He only has three days." Coran grumbled, then motioning to the struggling boy. "Just look at him! Legs, human legs! My nerves have been shot. His father is going to kill himself a crab! I'm going to march straight home and-" He was grabbed by Lance harshly, who was shaking his head with a pleading look. "Don't you shake your head at me! If we could get Lotor to give you your voice and tail back, we could get you home with all the others and just be..." He trailed off. "Just be miserable for the rest of your life. Alright! I'll try to help you find that prince. I'm turning into a soft-shell..."

Pidge laughed, "Now, Lance. I'm telling you now, if you want to be a human- the first thing you need to do is dress like one."

Lance quirked an eyebrow up, looking down and realizing he was naked. He looked back up with a miserable face and a blush. The bird snorted, gathering things to make him an outfit quickly.

She did a quick job with washed up cloth and ropes she had found stuck between rocks. It was just in time that she finished, because a dog came running and barking loudly.

Lance's eyes went wide as the dog chased him up on a rock. He's seen the dog, yes, but has never been so close to the unknown animal.

Keith came running, panting, "Red! What's gotten into-" He spotted Lance. "Ah- are you okay? I apologize for this knucklehead that scared you. He's harmless, I promise! Really..." He trailed off. "You seem familiar. Have we met?"

Lance nodded.

"We have? I knew it!" Keith exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "You're the- I've been looking for you! What's your name?"

Lance mouthed his name, no words escaping his throat. His face fell into sorrow, as he looked down.

"What's wrong? Can you not speak?" Keith asked and Lance shook his head. "Oh... then you couldn't be the boy I was looking for."

Lance tried to pantomime something with a frustrated face, but he tumbled off the rock, being caught but the prince. Their faces were very close, eyes wide, and blushes spread across their faces.

Keith placed the boy down gently, "Easy there. You must have been through quite a lot. Don't worry, though. I'll help you, so come on. You'll be okay."
Lance was in a bath, filled to the brim with bubbles. He excitedly played with them, dunking his head under and coming up happily with the foam all over his shoulders and hair.

A woman, who Lance learned was named Plaxum, grabbed the clothes he had been wearing and sighed, "You poor boy, washed up on shore from a shipwreck with no voice. Don't you worry, though. We'll have you feeling better in no time! I'll have this washed for you."

She walked out of the bathing room, and Coran popped up out of the bundle of clothes she carried. It was handed over to a dark skinned man. He held the fabric, then dunking it into a tub of soapy water, Coran going in with it.

"Have you heard of the boy?" Ryan asked.

James rolled his eyes, "Heard it from Nadia, but since when does she have anything right? I mean, seriously. A boy washed up on shore in rags and can't even speak."

Coran was harshly pulled out of the water along with the clothes, being dunked again, swirled around and pulled out, "Sir, please!"

"Yeah." Ryan sighed. "Not really my idea of a prince. If Keith is looking for someone to marry, I know a couple of available ones in this kingdom."

Coran dived onto the floor, scurrying away from the washroom and ending up in the kitchen. Steam and smoke filled the air, loud sounds of clanking and cutting too. Coran eyes what was on the table, seeing fish being cooked and fainting right there on the spot.

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