Chapter 8

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Under the sea, a seahorse swam through the halls of the gleaming palace. It entered the throne room, where Alfor sat glumly.

"Any sign of them?" He asked the small seahorse.

The seahorse shook its head, "No, your majesty. We've searched everywhere and have found no trace of your son nor Coran."

"Well, keep looking." Alfor ordered. "Leave no shell unturned and no coral unexplored. This kingdoms will not sleep until Lance is back here safe and sound."

"Yes, sir!" The seahorse shouted, leaving.

Alfor held his head in his hands, "What have I done?"
The sun was just rising and Shiro and Plaxum were waving goodbye to Keith and Lance. The two were very casual as the prince directed their horse drawn carriage outside the gate of the castle.

Lance was pointing out everything he was seeing, even hanging over the back of the carriage to see the horses feet clamp onto the stone. Hunk was swimming alongside in the river, trying to get Coran's, who was on the carriage, attention.

"Has he kissed her yet?" Hunk asked.

Coran was leaned over the edge, "Not yet."

"Oh." Hunk said with sorrow.

The prince and former merman stopped the carriage hopping out. Lance eyed a puppet show, then dragging Keith around. The two danced along with others, Keith spinning and hoisting up the boy.

Pidge landed on the bridge wall, yelling down into the canal, "Yo, Hunk! Any kissing?!"

"No." Hunk said sadly. "Not yet."

"Well they better get to it!" Pidge huffed.

Keith and Lance left the village. The prince offered the boy to take control of the horse, excitedly doing just that. He almost crashed into a tree, then hurdling a small ravine. Keith had fallen onto the floor of the carriage, popping up with an amused face as Lance slowed the carriage.

The two ended up, towards where the sun was disappearing beyond the horizon, rowing a boat. Well, Keith was with a guilty Lance after not offering. Pidge was watching on a rock, Hunk trying to see from the water.

"Move your big feathers!" Hunk whined. "I can't see a thing!"

Pidge rolled her eyes, "Nothing is happening. Only a day left and that prince hasn't puckered his lips once!" Her feathers fluffed in anger. "Okay, alright. This calls for a small vocal stimulation." She landed on a branch of a tree, pushing other birds. "Stand back!"

She cleared her throat, making the weirdest noises come out of her mouth, noises like gurgling water. Keith furrowed his eyebrows and grimaced, Lance looking a little concerned.

"Wow." Keith breathed out. "Someone should find that poor animal and put it out of its misery."

Lance bit his lip with a nod, looking up at the bird. Pidge gave an "ok" sign with her wing, winking at the two.

Coran covered his ears, "I'm surrounded by amateurs!" He jumped off the boat and into the water. "If you want something done, you've got to do it yourself. First we need to create the mood." He grabbed a small stick, popping up again to ducks and fish. He pointed at ducks and turtles. "Percussion." Then to crickets. "Strings." He leaned over to walking sticks. "Winds." Then tucked his claws behind his back. "Words!"

Coran leaned into Keith's ear, who was staring at Lance, "There you see him, sitting there across the way. He don't got a lot to say, but there's something about him. And you don't know why, but you're dying to try- You wanna kiss the boy!"

"Did you hear something?" Keith asked.

Lance eyed Coran, then turning to Keith and shaking his head with a smile.

"Yes, you want him." Coran continued, Keith and Lance awkwardly looking around before smiling at one another. "Look at him, you know you do. Possible he wants you too. There is one way to ask him~! It don't take a word, not a single word. Go on and kiss the boy!"

The prince and boy leaned in to each other, but the noirette flinched back and looked away. Coran dunked his head under water, motioning for animals, like frogs, to join him.

"Sha la la la la la-"

"My oh my! Look like the boy too shy! Ain't going to kiss the boy!" Coran sang.

"Sha la la la la la-"

"Ain't that sad? Ain't it a shame? Too bad, he gonna miss the boy."

Lance stared down at his hands and Keith spoke, "You know, I feel really bad not know your name. Maybe I can guess!" He leaned back and thought. "Is it Sendak?" Lance silently gagged and shook his head as Keith laughed. "Okay, not that I guess. What about Rolo? Marco?"

Coran peered over the side of the boat, "Lance. His name is Lance!"

"Lance?" Keith looked around suspiciously but saw Lance nodding vigorously. "Lance? That's a nice name. Okay, Lance."

The boat floated under a willow tree as the two beamed at each other, holding hands.

"Now's your moment. Floating in a blue lagoon. Boy, you better do it soon. No time will be better." Coran pooped up from the water. "He don't say a word and he won't say a word, until you- kiss the boy!"

Fish swam around the boat, joining in on the song.

"Sha la la la la la, Don't be scared! You got the mood prepared. Go on and kiss the boy! Sha la la la la la, Don't stop now! Don't try to hide it how! You want to kiss the boy! Sha la la la la la, Float along! And listen to the song! The song say kiss the boy!"

Pidge flew in and danced with flamingos. Fireflies twinkled and buzzed under the dark tree, lighting it up like stringed lights. Fish, and Hunk, sprayed water like fountains around the boat, adding to the firefly effect.

"Sha la la la la, the music play! Do what the music say, You got to kiss the boy!"

Every fish and bird leaned in to watch as the prince and boy leaned into each other.

"You've got to kiss the boy-"

The boat was flipped over, sending the two underwater. Every animal flinched back, surprised and filled with sorrow. Keith grabbed onto a flailing Lance, assuring him that he got him. On the other side of the boat, Ezor and Zethrid congratulated each other with a high five with their tails.
Lotor watched the two help each other up through a projection, "That was close, too close!" He held his head in his hands. "The little tramp! He has it better than I thought and at this rate, the prince will be kissing him by sunset for sure!" He went to his shelf. "Time for me to take matters into my own tentacles. Alfor's son will be mine and then I'll make the man writhe. I'll see him wriggle like a caught fish in a hook!"

The octopus made a quick potion, putting a necklace around his neck with a single hanging shell that glowed.
The sun had set and the moon was high. Keith sat on a balcony, listening to the crickets as he contemplated.

Shiro walked up behind him, "Keith, if I may speak of this. Far better than any dream girl, is one of flesh and blood, one warm and caring, right before your eyes.

Keith looked up to Lance's window, seeing him inspecting a fork. He smiled, but looked down with a sigh. He went towards the door, but stopped at hearing a familiar voice. He leaned over the balcony, eyeing a man strolling along the beach and singing. His eyes flashed gold as he listened to the voice.

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