𝟽: 𝚂𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚘, 𝙲𝙰

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"Thank you all for coming," Eliza smiled, standing over the crowd of well-dressed and wealthy socialites. The new addition of a wedding band glittered on her left hand, catching the attention of the gossip-starved wives of lesser businessmen. To her left was a donation counter, subtly projected onto the wall behind the musicians. "I am proud to announce that we have raised two-point-nine million dollars for the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital!" Eliza motioned to the counter and waited for the polite applause to die out.

"Now, I know what you're all thinking--Mrs. Hamilton, that's not nearly enough to fund the newest medical wing! And you're right, you're all right, which is why Hamilton Company will be matching every single dollar donated tonight. So our new total is, meaning we've successfully managed to donate five-point-eight million dollars tonight."

The numbers changed on the projection to display the new total. There was another round of polite applause from the guests. 

From her spot above the crowd, Eliza could still clearly see her family. Without James, their family seemed small. Helena hadn't even bothered coming back out to California, which wasn't at all a loss. Riley gave her a thumbs up, a flute of faux champagne resting against his lips. Next to him, Julia fiddled with her own wedding ring as Noah idly twisted a cloth napkin through her fingers.

"Ten years ago, when I was just fifteen, I had a dream. I wanted to create a company that wouldn't just be imports and exports, you know the boring things. I wanted to build something from the ground up that would allow me to help people that I couldn't even see. Over these past six years, I've managed to raise funds to ensure that six hospitals in places we consider 'Third-World' will stay funded for the years to come. We might not be number one in the medical industry, but we've done honest work."

Eliza took a deep breath, readying herself for the next bit of information she was to share with the crowd. "Sadly, I must announce that my time with Hamilton has come to an end. Recent events have influenced me to take my life in a different direction, so I'm happy to announce that not only is tonight about the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, but also an opportunity for you all to meet Hamilton's newest CEO, Mrs. Julia Maycomb-Hamilton."

Eliza revelled in the wave of confusion that washed over everyone as Julia stood from the table, raising a hand in acknowledgement. The diamond covered, mermaid-style gown that Ezra had dressed her in for the night shimmered under the bright lights of the ballroom. Eliza looked on proudly as her former assistant stepped into the role of CEO with grace.

"Donations will be open through noon tomorrow on our website, please enjoy the rest of your night." And with that, Eliza left the stage, motioning for the orchestra to continue their playing. She made her way back to Julia's side, sliding an arm around her waist and resting her head on her shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to the bare skin there.

Noah gave sort of a half snort half laugh, stealing a cracker from Riley's plate and stuffing it in her mouth like the lady she was. "Really laying it on thick, huh?"

Eliza kicked Noah under the table, catching her heel on the end of her dress and yanking her forward so that she nearly slipped out of her seat entirely. Noah glared at her sister, throwing a crumpled up napkin at her. Eliza caught it, tossing it onto the table and ending the small fight between them.

"Play nice," Julia cuffed the back of both of their heads, causing them both to whine out in faux pain. She smoothed the napkin out and gave the table next to theirs her best customer service smile. Once they went back to minding their own business, she rolled her eyes. "Besides, we filed for divorce the second the company got transferred over."

"And now you've got to spend six months pretending to be married," Noah laughed, finishing off the rest of Riley's crackers. "Better tell that nurse from Kindred that you'll be unavailable for the next couple of months."

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