𝟷𝟸: 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚈𝚘𝚛𝚔, 𝙽𝚈

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Let it be known that on October twenty-eighth, two-thousand and twenty, Eliza Hamilton became the sole inheritor of every single one of Helena Hamilton's assets. Or well, almost the sole inheritor. This definitely came as a surprise seeing as Eliza was, without a doubt, the least favorite out of the Hamilton children. Unfortunately, this Will also came with conditions that needed to be met before she could claim a single cent.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Eliza asked in disbelief, snatching the documents from Helena's elderly executor, William Slate. "That wench did not say that!"

William gently took the document from her hands, folding the paper over and pointing out exactly where it did in fact say the thing she dreaded the most. Outlined by its own paragraph, Helena Hamilton had written in that Eliza would own everything except the singular thing she wanted. She'd get everything but the house in Upstate New York, or else known as the very house she grew up in.

No, that house would be going to James Hamilton and Adeline de Rosier.

"Can we contest that?" Eliza asked, looking between the page and her older brother. James looked absolutely crestfallen, having just escaped that terrible relationship. Though, in Eliza's opinion, he couldn't look crestfallen enough. "Who were Helena's witnesses, I want to speak with them."

"Well, ma'am," William cleared his throat. "Your aunt Rosemary was one of them as well as your father."

"Rosemary and John Parker were my mother's witnesses?" Eliza asked in disbelief. "They're both known drug addicts, what made anyone think they were sound witnesses?"

"Dad's been sober for eight months," Riley reminded her, popping the rest of a chicken nugget into his mouth. They'd stopped for McDonald's on the way in, grabbing enough food to feed three families. "And Aunt Rosemary hasn't touched her pipe in nearly three."

"Oh, boo," Eliza frowned. She stuck her tongue out at Riley, glaring at the older twin when he returned her gesture. "Dad and Aunt Rosemary have been high since the second they turned fifteen. I refuse to believe either of them have just decided to sober up out of the blue."

"Don't be so dramatic, 'Liza," Noah flung a rubber band across the living room, hitting one of the picture frames that held her old private school photos in it. It fell backward with a loud smack, scaring the poor executor. "You inherited everything else, what's wrong with letting James take the house for himself. Adeline's not even allowed back in the country so I'm sure having her written off the property will be easy enough."

Eliza shared an uneasy look with James, who looked more than uncertain about what Noah was saying. While Adeline did have to stay in France for the time being, if she proved to be the perfect citizen and met her parole officer each time, her lifelong ban from America could prove to be more of a year long ban.

"We could try," Eliza settled, unhappy about how the day was going but civil nonetheless. "Can we see the damage done to the apartment now? And maybe also our mother... actually, has her head been blown off completely or does she still have a face?"

William left the room to get the man doing the property assessment, leaving all four of the Hamilton children to their own devices. Immediately, the other three were on their sister, badgering her with questions on what she was going to do with the added eighty-seven million added to her bank account. Helena Hamilton wasn't as wealthy as she led them to believe.

"Well first, I'm gifting each of you a vacation property. I only need the one in the Bahamas." Eliza rolled her eyes. "Seriously, why did mom own so many vacation properties?"

"It's because she had booty calls at several different resorts nearby," Riley said, snickering into his scarf. Out of the four of them, Riley was the one that kept up with family drama the most. If you wanted dirt on another family member, he was the guy to go to. Unless, that is, if you wanted any information on Noah. He'd rather choke himself out than betray his own twin. The rest of his siblings were fair game.

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