Chapter Twenty Seven

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"What time did you get back?" I asked Tay, exiting my bedroom the next morning, finding him lying on the couch with his phone in his hand. 

"Look, Aaron can sing too." He suddenly got up and almost shoved his phone in my face. 

I snatched the phone out of his hand to look properly. 

"This is Aaron?" I questioned, looking at the guy wearing a leather outfit dancing around with a microphone in his hand. His face was hidden behind his long lavender hair but nothing about him looked like Aaron. 

"Yeah. I asked him about it yesterday. He tried to lie but I caught him." He  answered, proudly. 

"Wait. Why did he lie? And how did you know it was him?" I asked before scrolling down to look at another video of his. 

He was still wearing the black leather outfit, except this time his hair was ash blonde instead. 

"He lied because he's shy and didn't want to let anyone know. And I knew it's him because I've been stalking him for a while." 

"You, what? Why? Since when?" I questioned him in surprise. 

"That day when I first mentioned Aaron to you, I just thought I should at least know if he's single or not. You know, in case you ever want to get to know him or something." 

I looked up instantly and narrowed my eyes at him. "Tay, we have talked about this." 

Instead of replying he tapped the video playing on his phone. The video was unmuted and a shockingly throaty voice blared through his phone. 

"This is definitely not him." I uttered in disbelief as I watched the guy in the video singing loudly while jumping around the stage. 

Tay let out a loud laugh before slumping back on the couch. "I thought so too. But I have spent more than a month trying to figure it out. It's definitely him." 

"But, this doesn't even sound like him." I countered as my fingers scrolled on to the next video of his. 

"That's what amazed me the most." Tay said and pulled my free hand to make me sit beside him. 

He took the phone from my hand and scrolled until it reached the first posted video on his account. Giving it to me, he pointed at it. "Look, around thirty-five seconds, you can kinda see his face." 

I watched it until the time stamp he had mentioned and saw Aaron's familiar face peeking through his blue hair as he moved his head side to side while jumping around. 

"It's him." I exclaimed in surprise. 

"Exactly. There are a few more videos where his face is kinda visible." Tay explained before taking his phone back and searching for another such video. 

I looked over to him and noticed him smiling and humming to himself as he scrolled through different profiles to search for more videos. 

"By the way, where were you yesterday?" I questioned curiously. 

"With Aaron." He answered without looking up. 

"The whole day? You weren't back till midnight." I asked incredulously. 

He nodded, still grinning and looking at his phone. 

"Wow." I whispered to myself before leaning back into the couch. 

"Oh, I gave him your number yesterday. He might not text you much, shy and all, you know. He definitely likes you though." He informed me before shoving his phone in my hands again. 

Shaking my head, I took the phone from him before whispering under my breath. "Idiot."


"I'm thinking of creating a band with Aaron. He can be our lead singer." Tay told me while we were waiting for food to arrive. 

"Your band already has enough members though." I reminded him before looking at him in confusion. 

"I left the band." He shrugged, still looking at the counter in front. 

"When? Why?" I turned to face him completely yet he kept his gaze fixed on the counter. 

"Before the exams. We had some disagreement." He said as if it wasn't a big deal. 

"That band was your dream." I reminded him. 

"I'll create a new one. With Aaron and Stacey." 

"Stop talking like it doesn't matter to you." I gripped his arm and turned him to face me. "What about your friends? Why did they let you leave?" 

"It was best for all of us." He looked me in the eyes and tried to smile. "It was my decision and I don't regret it." 

Just as I was about to ask more questions, the girl behind the counter called Tay's name. I let go of his arm and he walked over to get our food. 

"Who's Stacey? And don't you need way more people for the band?" I questioned him, continuing our conversation from before as I pulled out of the parking lot. 

"She is Aaron's cousin. And Aaron knows a few more people who might be interested. I'll go meet them the day after tomorrow." Tay turned on the radio and as usual started switching between the stations impatiently. 

Hearing Aaron's name reminded me of our meeting a few days ago. I wondered if Tay was still oblivious about Aaron's crush on him. 

"About Aaron-" 

"He still hasn't texted you, has he?" Tay asked, cutting me off before I could've asked him about it. He shook his head as if he already knew the answer. 

"Tay, please. I have Nicolas. Stop acting like he doesn't exist." I snapped at him in annoyance. 

"So? You can't even have friends now?" He countered, sounding just as annoyed as me. 

"Not when you keep hoping for something more." I glared at the road and tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

"Aaron is an amazing guy." He replied solemnly. 

"And Nicolas isn't? You haven't even met him." I scoffed. 

"That's because you don't want me to. Or maybe it's him. I don't know." He scowled at me. 

I let out a frustrated sigh before continuing. "You promised me that you will try to understand our situation. He can't get over here just to assure you." 

Tay turned his gaze back on the radio before uttering under his breath. "Which clearly shows how much he cares about you." 

His hostile remark left me seething. I could no longer overlook his clear disdain for Nicolas. 

Stepping on the breaks, I waited until the car stopped on the side of the road before turning to him. "What are you doing all of this for?" 

He looked taken aback by my sudden outburst. His eyes widened before he turned off the radio for good and glared back at me. "For you. And Aaron. You deserve someone better, and Aaron deserves a chance to be with the one he likes." 

"Then he should be with you!" I bellowed before I could've stopped myself. 

Anger dissipated, disbelief took over his features. "What?" 

His sudden shock snapped me out of my anger. Aviating my gaze from him, I moved back to face the front. "Nothing. Just stop it, okay? I'll let Aaron know that I'm not interested." 

Tay sat there still, his eyes boring through the side of my face before he mumbled again. "Did you mean to say that I'm the one he likes?" 

Now that we were back on the road, I had more than one reason to avoid his gaze. I just shook my head slightly before trying to cover up the mess I had made. "I just said whatever came to my mind. Forget it." 


You're beautiful. Thanks for reading!

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