Chapter Twenty Eight

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As soon as we got back, Tay gathered and packed all of his things before leaving without a word. By the time I got back from showering, he had already left. I tried to call him for the next half hour or so but to no avail. He refused to pick up his phone and all I could do was wait for him to calm down before trying again. 

Exhausted, I laid on the floor with my hands under my head as I stared at the ceiling. A part of me was cursing me for ruining things between Tay and Aaron. Given how excited Tay was about everything related to Aaron, I had hoped for them to acknowledge their feelings sooner or later. 

It made me realise that I wasn't all that different from Tay in that aspect. After all, he was hoping for the same as well. The only difference was that he was voluntarily trying to get us together while I had decided to just watch from the sidelines, not wanting to mess things up in any way. 

My phone's ringing snapped me out of my thoughts. Reaching down, I got my phone out of my pocket in an instant. Marco's name flashed on the screen and I sighed, realizing it wasn't Tay. 

I rested the phone against the back of the couch before answering it. 

Nicolas' features lightened by the moonlight brought comfort to my overwhelmed heart. I slithered closer to my phone, trying to get closer to him as much as possible. 

A frown marred his face and he asked, "are you okay?" 

"I miss you." I croaked before I could've stopped myself. 

His frown deepened. "What's wrong?" 

Putting on a small smile, I shook my head. "Tell me about your day." 

"Please." I added, weakly when Nicolas looked reluctant to change the subject. 

Despite the frown still settled on his face and worry clear in his eyes, he went along with my requests. He talked about his day, asking me questions every now and then, trying to get me involved to improve my mood. 

"I am going to drive back next week." I informed him after a yawn. 

Through my already half closed eyes, I saw a seldom smile appear on his face, instantly knocking my breath out of me. My eyes widened and a similar smile took over my lips as well. 

"I should've surprised you instead. At least I could've seen your smile more clearly." I whined before plopping back on the floor. 

"Well, too late." His smile didn't falter, instead he moved the phone closer to his face. "Don't fall asleep here. Get up and go to bed." 

"I'm not-" Another yawn escaped me as I shook my head to assure him I wasn't sleepy. 

"Come on, get up." He smiled and urged me again. 

"Fine. But don't hang up just yet." I stood up reluctantly before making my way to my room. 

Falling back on the bed, I faced him again. "How much longer can you stay?" 

"For as long as you want me to." He answered almost instantly, making me grin wide. 


"You were right." Tay declared as soon as I opened up the door. 

It had been three days since our fight and he hadn't picked up my phone once since then. I moved aside to let him in as soon as I noticed his dejected expression and slumped shoulders.

He walked in quietly and removed his shoes before throwing himself on top of the couch. Closing the door, I sat down beside him, watching him holding his lowered head between his hands. 

"About?" I prodded when he didn't explain on his own. 

"Aaron." He whispered after a long pause. 

"Huh?" I uttered in confusion before sliding closer to him. 

"He- he kissed me." He admitted quietly. 

"Aaron?" I had to ask again to make sure when I remembered my first meeting with the aforementioned guy. 

He nodded instantly before looking up at me with an unnerved expression. "I think he likes me." 

"You knew it. How?" His agitated voice startled me. 

"It was just a hunch." I revealed in a low voice. 

He scoffed instead of answering. 

Realizing that he didn't seem to believe me, I repeated myself with more conviction. 

"What should I do now?" He wondered out loud, ignoring me. 

"I don't know…" I answered fruitlessly. 

He let out a loud frustrated grunt before slumping back into the couch and covering his face with his hands. 

"Did he confess or something?" I asked after a long pause. 

Removing his hands from his face, he shook his head. 

"He kissed you out of nowhere?" I questioned again in disbelief. 

"I was bugging him about messaging you and he just threw his phone aside before…" He trailed off before letting out another frustrated sound. "We were waiting for the band members he chose." 

"Maybe he just wanted to shut you up?" I supplied, trying to calm him down. 

"By kissing me? That's stupid." He rolled his eyes before continuing. "It wasn't just a peck either." 

It took me way longer than it should have to process what he meant. By the time my dumbfounded brain connected the dots, I could already see Tay's ears turning bright red as he lowered his head once again. 

"After that, I punched him." He revealed, surprising me even further. 

I cursed out loud before noticing the regret clear as day on his face. 

"Have either of you apologized?" I probed again. 

He shook his head before sighing. "He hasn't tried to contact me. I couldn't either." 

"You've a boyfriend, don't you? Why aren't you helping me figure this out?" He irritatedly questioned me when I didn't say anything. 

"I'm trying. I just don't know what to say." I answered, regrettably. 

"Take your time but help me figure it out before another day passes. The longer I wait, the more weird it feels to even think about contacting him." He let out after a few seconds. 

I nodded to reassure him before trying to think of a way to help him. 


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