Chapter 3

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"So, what made you come to work here?" When I asked him this question, he kind of just froze up. It was peculiar but I disregarded it. "I.. It wasn't exactly my choice to work here.." You just looked at him. Wasn't his choice? What does that mean..? "Forget it, I've already told you enough. As for your training, we'll be doing a series of tasks." Tasks? 

"Firstly, you'll be stacking the boxes on the shelves. I've noticed you're... Quite... Short. So I've given you a stepladder. You'll have to use the box machine to get boxes." He then started to walk away to look at the "realistic trees". You got a few boxes and after a little while you got the first two rows done, now, you'd have to use that damn stepladder. You climbed up the stepladder with a few boxes and went to put them on the shelves. When you got to the last box, you had to reach over to put it down but you tripped instead.

It was almost as if your life flashed before your eyes, a 10 foot drop off a step ladder... 'What an idiotic way to break a bone', you thought. You winced, 'im going to hit the ground, im going to hit the groun-' But to your surprise, you didn't hit the ground, infact, you realised Fiddle had caught you. "You looked like you needed saving before you broke a bone."

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