44:Bonus Chapter!

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''it's okay, you're okay. It's gonna be all right," Ashton kept whispering into Aana's ear as he felt her hand tightened around his. Her short yet pointy nails digging into his palm. Breaths were uneven with chest heaving every second past. Her eyes were squinted and teeth were clenched.

Aana was lying on the hospital bed, her breathing was fast, deep and uneven. Her skin was clammy because of the sweat as she struggled. She wanted to focus on that one thing but the pain was a lot. She was already half way through, the last part was remaining. Her energy was slowly draining away. She was becoming weak, too weak. It was also her first time. But twice more painful than the majority of people go through.

"Aana, baby, a little more. You're doing great." Ashton caressed her face with one hand, the other in a death grip with hers. His eyes were big with obvious concerned for his wife. His own heart was beating fast, adrenalin rushing through. He hated to see her struggle like that, but all the necessities were begging to let it happen.

She looked up at him with pained eyes. "Try more baby. Please, push a little more. A little more, Aana," he encouraged.

Yes, Aana was giving birth. To twins. Fraternal twins. Both baby boys. Aana had already given birth to the first baby, about to the second. Though, she could admit that the second one was the easy one as the first one had already eased the passage. But the tiredness with the contractions had drained her off, the pain was at the utmost level for a human being but Aana still didn't lose hope. She was still conscious and doing her best to stay awake and push the little life out of her sensitive yet strong body.

Now, even if Ashton couldn't comprehend the physical pain his wife was going through, he could feel every shiver that ran up and down his spine every time a tear left Aana's exhausted eyes or every time she moaned or screamed in pain. He respected his wife with no limits, and every other female in this world who had to go through not only the labour pain but the nine months of physical, mental and emotional struggle.

Aana screamed and arched her back. The head of the baby was out. A few more moments and finally the baby was made known, free in the reality of the world. Ready to survive the beauty and the beast the world offered.

"Good job," Ashton whispered to the now utterly weak Aana who had slummed motionless on the bed, though she was panting. He kissed her clammy forehead. Sight of tears in his owns eyes visible with pride and overwhelming emotions. Soon the doctors started to clean the babies and the mother up.

The doctor and nurse cut the umbilical cord. The process after giving birth was so underrated. It was difficult for Aana with the cleaning ups too.

The doctor then passed the baby to Aana's awaiting arms. All the struggle and pain felt worth the second that little life was placed in her arms. The small fisted hands, the closed-wrinkled eyes and the cry which felt so soothing to the ears. The babies had a little amount of hairs just above their forehead. Their skin was a little red. Arms, legs and face had baby wrinkles. The babies had wrinkled skin because they were in a premature state.

Aana looked at the baby in her arms, the little prince. She kissed his head and cried silently. She was happy but her emotions were all over the place. Meanwhile, Ashton had the older twin baby in his arms. He was a proud, 26 years old father. Ready to be the best father too. He'd prepared himself for this. Prepared for the world of fatherhood. Prepared to make his spouse and family proud.

Aana started to breast feed both the babies one by one. When Ashton placed the second baby in the crib after he was fed too, Aana immediately fell asleep peacefully. She was weakened after all of the workout. Ashton immediately embraced his wife in his arms. He was so proud of her. She did it. A normal delivery, not even a caesarean. She was a tough cookie and she made it. She successfully gave birth to twin boys.

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