Chapter 3

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Andres went home after his duty for three whole months, so did I. The war changed him. He doesn't look like the way he did before. He looked older and looks like he hasn't been able to sleep for a while. But he's trying his best to look okay and smile at us to make us not worry about him.

It was surprising that Papa instructed us that we can't eat on our dining room like we did before. Instead we ate in the small servants' table beside the kitchen. We didn't resist because he said that the electricity is now scarce so he wanted to save it by having less light on the house.  

We talked about the things that made us happy before this war like polo, horses, cars and even music. But it only lasted as we talked about it. The war is still with us. The light above us was flickering and may be gone soon, so we prepared candles and lit them up. 

Pápa received a telegram during dinner. What could it be? It's from Uncle Poldo. Pápa's brother. He is inviting us to stay with him. He got an insider news that the Japs are now taking over houses in Manila.

Pápa agreed, saying that the Almeida house which was empty since Emily's family left has been seized by the Japs. Pápa showed allegiance with the Japanese just so that he could keep the house and his business.

"Don't you see that these people are killing people? Why would you show allegiance to them? Was that the reason why you instructed us to change our clothes first before going home, and to go in using the back doors? Are you scared that they will see that your sons are working with the Americans?" I said, slightly banging the table. My pápa was just silent realizing that I have a point.

"Hijo, you don't understand that if I won't do it they will get everything that we have. Everything that your grandfathers built! I don't expect you to understand me now but I think you will soon." He replied. I was holding on to my glass and shattered it with my hand.

Andres stood up and patted my shoulder to comfort me. He grabbed my hand to check on it. It's already bleeding. He learned first aid in his training and put some medicine and gauze on my wounded hand. It's a good thing that the cuts weren't deep.

"Emily's father was killed when he didn't agree to work with them." Papa said.

I wasn't able to say anything after that. We begged Papa to go to Uncle Poldo's estate in Rizal, east of Manila. He would be much safer there. We all did some arrangements just so that he can sneak away from here. 

Later that night, I saw Andres smoking beside our bedroom window. He still looks so bothered. I asked him for a stick. He grinned at me.

"I forgot that you smoke." He said.

"I can't sleep. Maybe this will help." I replied.

"How are you? You look so different." I added. Puffing the cigarette I just lit.

"I don't know how I am. I killed a lot of men Pancho. If you only saw and heard it. You would also not fall asleep." He replied.

"But it all still look the same right? It was a good thing that this part of Manila wasn't hit badly as the others." He added, took in another puff and looked over our window view which had several lights that made our streets beautiful. I transferred to sit on the window pane that was covered in grilles and continued smoking. 

"Why does it have to happen right now? I thought we won't experience war since we left Madrid earlier. But here we are, fighting another one we don't want to happen in the first place." I replied. I coughed a little after puffing my cigarette. Andres laughed and said that he got American cigarettes that are stronger.

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