Chapter 3: Meeting friends and rivals

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Kind of a giveaway now. Isn't it ? Nah! It is all good. You all know it was coming sooner or later. So better get them involved early .

Ash was currently on a ship headed to Clevan region.  Along with him , was an electric mouse Pokemon called Pikachu. He was feeling quite enthralled by the cool breeze flowing over sea as he leaned on the deck seeing blue sea everywhere.

"Soon we will be in a brand new region. So many new pôkemon to see. I am so excited." Ash said to Pikachu who agreed "pika"

As young trainer Ash Ketchum was enjoying the delight of sea , he was unaware that a familiar trio of no goods were following him

"Can't you pedal any faster, Meowth." Jessie yelled as three were pedaling the engine inside a fake magikarp following Ash's ship.

"These paws ain't for pedalling . You two goodies ever try to think of using a motor." Meowth shouted but there was not even a second before both James and Jessie hit him on head .

" Meowth shouted but there was not even a second before both James and Jessie hit him on head

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All of sudden, there was a bright light from a pokebal as a blue figure Wobbufet come out .

"Wobb--ufeet" It saluted.

"Return wobbufet. I am getting tired of this." As Jessie returned him to his pokeball.

Scene change

Ash has finally reached the Clevan region. He walked down the stairs excitedly with Pikachu looking at the city full of Pokemon he had never seen before.

"Get ready! Clevan region. I am here to win it all." Ash jumped in the air with Pikachu shouting "pi-pikachu"

All of sudden, he saw a girl with blonde hair running towards him rapidly.

"Out of the way . Out of the way ." She kept saying as she continued to run.

Ash and Pikachu both were stupefied what to do as they both fell into water before they could comprehend what to do.

"Man! I am so wet."  He groaned

"Pika-pika" Pikachu hung down his ears.

"I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I was in so much hurry and then I tripped and couldn't stop ." The girl apologized.

"It is fine. My name is Ash Ketchum and I am from Pallet town and this is my partner Pikachu." He pointed towards Pikachu who waved.

"Wow! It is so cute. My name is Bianca." She replied as she streched Pikachu's face .

"So why were you in such a hurry?" Ash asked.

"Oh! I almost forgot. I am getting late for Levior school."  She realised she had to hurry.

"Wait! Are you one of the student there ? I have just got here to get into levior school." Ash asked her.

"Then let's hurry. I am also just getting here all the way from Unova region." She told him as she started running.