Chapter 20: Manchester City gym battle

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Hi! So it is his first gym battle in Clevan region. Well much similar to brain battle just change of terms.
"Ash ! You have still not registered at Pokemon center for Clevan league." Dawn reminded him.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot that in excitement of battle." Ash held his head looking down. Soon the trio went to Pokemon center where Nurse Joy completed their registration.

"Ash! There is a call for you ." Nurse Joy told him. Ash was quite surprised to see who it was and saw that it was Professor Oak.

"Hi! Professor Oak. I have just arrived in Manchester City for my first gym battle and these are my new friends Dawn and Serena." Ash introduced them as Pikachu waved too.

"It is great to meet you all and you too Pikachu. Ash ! Now you know that Manchester City gym is a ghost type gym so you will need dark or psychic type Pokemon to counter them . Have you caught any ?" Professor Oak asked him.

"Yes!  I have a Zorua who is dark type." Ash informed him.

"Yes! But it will 3 on 3 battle. You will need more than one dark type. Do you want me to transfer your Noctowl to you for this battle?" Professor Oak asked him.

"I know that it can quite help me but I wanna win these badges with my Pokemon I have caught here only. So I will just rely on my strategy." Ash stated and Professor Oak nodded and then both ended the call.

"Ash! Are you sure of your strategy?" Serena asked.

"Yeah ! I know Zorua is my best chance but I will make things easier for Zorua by my other Pokemon." Ash smiled and both looked at him expectantly.

Few minutes later
"Welcome Ash ! I hope you are ready." Carolina smirked as he entered the gym field with Pikachu walking behind him while Dawn and Serena sat in audience.

"Yeah ! And today I am gonna win a badge." He grinned.

"We will see. " She said taking a battle stance.

"This battle will be 3 on 3. When all three Pokemon of either side is out, then the match will be over. The challenger is allowed to substitute Pokemon during battle but the gym leader will not . Began ." Judge stated.

"Go Dusclops!" She said bringing out her Pokemon.

"Who is that Pokemon?" Ash brought out his pokédex to check out .

"DUSCLOPS. It  absorbs anything, however large the object may be. This POKéMON hypnotizes its foe by waving its hands in a macabre manner and by bringing its single eye to bear. The hypnotized foe is made to do DUSCLOPS’s bidding." Pokédex stated.

"Wow! Well I choose you Pikachu!" Ash sent Pikachu.

"Dusclops! Use astonish on Pikachu!" She commanded as Dusclops clapped it's hands together sending a wave as Pikachu flinched.

"Now Dusclops ! Use shadow punch." She said as volleys of attacks started to hit Pikachu while Ash knew that by using astonish, she had prevented Pikachu from using any attacks for a time and there is no way to dodge shadow punch and it cannot be even countered. At this rate, Pikachu will soon fall.

"Pikachu !  Use your tail to jump on dusclops's face ." Ash commanded and Pikachu landed on dusclops . It found itself unable to see anything and started to move it's arm frantically .

"Good ! Now use thunderbolt." Ash commanded as he saw Pikachu ready for attack again. Pikachu released havocs of electricity shocking Dusclops .

But It didn't major damage and Dusclops shook Pikachu away .

POKEMON: THE ULTIMATE QUEST (BATTLES AND SHIPPING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora