«14- off the bridge»

445 21 8

Tw: suicide
Makoto Naegi»
The day passes in a daze. It's scary, how the days speed up and blend into one as you get older, isn't it...
I check my phone, Byakuya next to me, playing softly with my hair. My hands freeze as I read the screen.
Sayaka Maizano's band breaks up- fans left heartbroken
He checked Instagram- the front page was full of messages, ranging from fans wishing the girls well to death threats, calling them selfish and useless pigs.
"What's wrong?" Byakuya asks.
"I need to call Sayaka. I need to make sure she's ok." I blurt out. The phone shakes in my fingers as I navigate to her phone number.





The screen goes blank. "She's not picking up"I groan.
"She might be ignoring you." Byakuya muses. "Ask Aoi to call her."
👤: Could you call Sayaka for me? I want to know she's ok. Sorry if it's a weird request
👤: I've been trying, but she hasn't picked up! I'm worried 😟
Byakuya looks at the screen,bored. "Just leave it. She's probably busy or having a tantrum."
The knot in my stomach won't let me leave it.
"I know something's wrong, Byakuya. I'm going to visit her." I jump up, the muddled mess in my head urging me on. I pull on my coat, heading for the door.
"Wait for me. I'm not letting you walk around in the dark alone." Byakuya orders. I stare outside- it really is dark, but a smattering or stars gives out enough light to muddle forwards. A light shines out from Byakuya's torch, illuminating the empty streets.
"It's like a ghost town..." I whisper.
Byakuya snorts. "Don't be ridiculous. Ghosts don't exist."
We walk down the winding city paths, empty blues and blacks everywhere. After 10 minutes, we reach the bridge. The metal is white, arching up and sweeping down, bars with enough space to fit through, perfectly symmetrical. Except, there's a blur moving in the distance. Someone is standing by the edge of the bridge, illuminated by the stars. At that moment, everything clicks.
"SAYAKA!" I rush forwards, pummelling over the planks.

I'm to late.

They plummet over the edge, scarf billowing, into the icy depths.

I jump over after them.

Naegami- Blackmail (sequel to eyes in the shadows)Where stories live. Discover now