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I see
lifetime in your hands,
home in your embrace,
and future in your eyes.

I see
long kisses on our lazy mornings,
stolen "I love you" texts on our busy Wednesdays,
and tight hugs on our longing hours.

I see you
begging for water while you choke on your spicy noodles,
dancing weirdly to the beat of a ballad song while I secretly film you,
and sleeping on the couch while we talk about how our day went.

I see us
decorating our house with White Christmas,
doing grocery together—while you secretly add another pack of jelly ace in the cart,
and doing random make-face while we clean our living room.

I see
fulfilled dreams,
and happiness.

I see
and calmness.

I see you, staying.
I see you for the rest of my years.
I see you—with me.

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