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Cass' head pounded as she opened her eyes, groaning quietly. She propped herself up on her elbow, deciphering that she was in the boys dormitory. Peter appeared to be the only one up, his bed neatly made.

"Fuckin' hell." Cass groaned, clutching her head.

"That is what happens when you drink." Peter said, emerging from the bathroom. "And you were steaming."

"Shit." Cass said. "I don't remember much, if I'm honest. I hope I didn't do anything too embarrassing."

"You didn't." Sirius assured her, sticking his head out of the curtains. "Bloody hell, where's Fleamonts hangover cure when you need it?" Remus climbed out of bed, rubbing his eyes.

"Alright Rem?" Peter said.

"Coffee. I need coffee." Remus grunted, reaching for his jumper. "As soon as possible."

"Yeah, let's go to breakfast." Peter said. "I'm starving."

"Please, please shut up." James moaned from his bed. "I feel like a dragon has just sat on my head, Merlins balls."

"Come on Prongsie darling, it's breakfast time." Sirius said. James rolled over, burying his head in his pillow.

"How embarrassing was I last night?" He asked.

"Mmm, well if you forget about the crying, and the singing, and the falling off of a table, I'd say you were alright." Peter said, grinning. James groaned.

"You'll feel better after some breakfast." Sirius said. "Any chance you've got some of your dads hangover cure?" He eyed James' trunk hopefully.

"I think we drank it all last time." James said mournfully.

"Are you telling me I have to deal with this headache for the whole day?" Cass said. James nodded. "Bloody hell."

"Alright, alright, I'll come to breakfast." James said. He staggered up, immediately blanching and hurrying to the bathroom. Cass grimaced as she heard the sounds of James retching.

"I can't listen to this." She said. "I'm off."

"I'll come with you." Sirius said quickly.

"Er no, it's okay." Cass said. "I can manage."

"Yeah, I know." Sirius said. "I'm still coming, I want breakfast too."

"I need to—"

"I'm coming." Sirius said firmly. Cass rose an eyebrow but didn't try to argue further.

"See you in a bit." She said to Remus and Peter. Sirius followed her out of the dormitory, grinning from ear to ear.

"Sooooo..." He said.

"So what?" Cass said. "Why are you so happy? It's far too early."

"First of all, it's past ten am I'm allowed to be happy." Sirius said. "And second, you really don't remember telling me anything last night?"

"Oh god, I didn't tell you what me and Marlene did to your favourite boots did I? Because I—"

"No?" Sirius said. "What did you do to—"

"Nothing!" Cass said. "It's not important." Sirius narrowed his eyes.

"Right then, anyways." He said. "Are you sure there's nothing else that you have been keeping from me?"


"I can't believe you're in love with Noah!" Sirius practically shouted. Cass shoved her hand over his mouth.

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