Chapter One

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Chapter One : Hogwarts Express

"We shall pray for you every time we think, see or eat food."

My brother, parents and I ran quickly up to the wall between platform 9 and 10. We were, of course, very late. We only had about two minutes before the Hogwarts train would decide to leave, and if that happened, it would leave us in a bit of a pickle.

"Come, come now. Mikey, you first... um with your father, hun. Come, quick." My mother exclaimed, pushing my brown-haired brother in front of the wall. My father was already holding onto his trolley, as they both ran towards the solid object. In a blink of an eye, they disappeared.

"C'mon, honey. Only a minute left." My mother grabbed my trolley and started towards the wall. I stumbled before finally catching up. We hit the wall but, unsurprising, we weren't pushed back. We went right through the wall, not being noticed by any muggle on the station.

As we came out, I saw the red Hogwarts Express, standing in all its glory. I didn't have much time to admire it since I only had like half a minute left before it would start riding away into the distance.

"Come on! We don't have time to day-dream!" My mother pushed me harshly to the train, as she looked at my father who was helping Mikey with his trunk. She didn't notice the glare I sent her, as I took my trunk off of the trolley, setting it down on the ground.

"Give it here, Y/n." My father said, waving his hand over, looking at my trunk. I lifted it up, passing it to him as I stumbled with the weight. What did I put in there?

My father quickly took it from my clutches, lifting it up onto the train where Mikey stood leaning on the wall, arms crossed. Suddenly, I was in a tight embrace as Mikey snickered. I knew immediately that my mum was hugging me. Her goodbye hugs were always deadly. It suffocated anyone.

"Oh, I'm going to miss you so, so much." my mother cried, her hold tightening if that were possible. I couldn't even squeak out a 'I'll miss you too' with her hold on me.

Finally, she let go, letting me breath, as she moved on to hug Mikey, who looked more pale than he did a second ago, as she approached him.

As Mikey inhaled a sharp breath, Mother's arms were wrapped around him in an instance. I silently laughed as I hugged my father goodbye. His hugs were less deadly, which was a good thing.

Once we all had said goodbye to each other, my mother started wailing so loudly that some people on the train looked out of their windows making me laugh slightly.

"Merlin, this is embarrassing." muttered Mikey as he tried to hide from all of the people staring.

"Well, get used to it. This happened to me in my first year. Except it was worse, the parents were still there." I retorted back, watching our father try to comfort our mother.

We heard the whistle and we instantly started to run towards as it started to move, slowly. Mikey and I made it just in time as it started to get faster that no human would be able to catch.

I slammed the door close and waved out of the window at our wailing mother and our uncomfortable father, who waved back. When they were in the distance and I couldn't see them anymore, I let out an exhausted sigh making Mikey chuckle. 

Merlin, I couldn't believe I was a fourth year now. I'm so old...

"Well I guess this is where we say goodbye to each other." he said, bending down to pick up his trunk and broom.

I followed his lead, picking up my stuff as I nodded. "Yep, guess it is. See ya later little brother." I said, ruffling up his hair before saluting him off, and walking in the opposite direction that he was heading for.

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