Chapter 1: Why a dress?

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"Malia!" I hear a voice call. "Malia, are you awake?" I open my eyes slightly to see my mother open my door and walk in. "Oh, Malia. You're supposed to be up and dressed." She tries to pull the duvet covers off my body but not without me putting up a fight. I lost.

"Ugh! Why are you waking me up. Its 8 am on a Saturday Morning!" I yell angrily. "Today is the day you're meeting my fiance!" She sings happily and does a twirl around the room. "Oh, yeah. What was his name again? Martin, or was it Bob?" "Charles. His name is Charles. You weren't even close." She scolds me. "Now get up. Before i help you get up."

I leap out of my bed, knowing too well what she means by 'helping me up'. The last time i wouldn't get out of bed she got a glass of freezing water and poured in ontop of me. "I'm up! I'm up." I shout and raise my arms in surrender. "Good. Now go get dressed. I've laid out some close for you in your wardrobe." She says with a small smile tugging at her lips as she walks out of my room.

"8 am on a Saturday morning. I wonder who thought that would be a good time to meet. I'm sure my mother was like 'Oh hey why don't you meet my daughter at 8 am on a Saturday morning. I'm sure she'd love that!'" I mumble to myself.

That was one of the problems about being a child of a teen mother. They're energetic and always want to do something fun. I guess its not all that bad. I get to do loads of cool stuff like traveling a lot. My phone buzzes over by my bed side locker and i grab it and unlock it. It was a text from my mother. 'Start getting ready. If your not dressed and ready by half past i'm leaving without you.' It read. I hurry to my wardrobe.

I open it and walk in. Yes it is a walk in wardrobe. Even though our house is small and we only have one walk in wardrobe, my mother insisted i should get it because i'd use it more that her. And i do.

I look at the clothes she has laid out for me. A fitted navy dress with small white stars speckled around it. I smile to myself. She knows me well. My favourite colour is navy and i love anything to do with stars. The only problem was, it was a dress. I really dislike dresses.

I didn't say hate because i like wearing dresses if i'm doing something fancy like going to a wedding or something important like a funeral. And meeting my mother's soon to be husband is NOT a fancy or important. Emphasis on the not. So why do i have to wear a dress?

You might be wondering why i'm so mean about my mum getting re-married, and i'll tell you. I love my mum but ever since my drunk of a father left us, she's been trying to fill his spot with any man nice enough to remeber her name, and i don't think it's right. Just because he knows your name doesn't mean he's ready to love you. I just don't want her to get hurt again.

Anyway back to the dress. I slip it on after debating to myself whether or not to put it on in the shower. I decided to put it on because my mother knows how much i dislike wearing dresses for no reason and there must be a reason if she laid it out for me.

I quickly dry my long blonde hair and loosely French braid it, leaving small bits out, so it looks a bit messy but in a cute way. I push it over to my left shoulder and thrown on my favourite cream Convers. I check myself in my mirror. Perfect. I say to myself.

"Malia! Come on! We're already late!" My mum calls from downstairs. "Coming." I grab my denim jacket and run down the stairs to my mother. "We're meeting at a cafe so you can have breakfast there." She says as we walk out of the house and lock the door. "Okay." Is all i say as we climb into the car and start to drive of to meet my mum's new fiance.

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