Chapter 4: If Looks Could Kill

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We arrived at the party after about 10 minutes of driving. It had been awkward because i was sitting in the middle between Harry (he had lost he battle with Sam for the front seat) and the one and only jerk.

By jerk i mean Tom. He hadn't said anything to me since the stairs and when i tried to talk to him multiple times, okay so maybe not multiple but i did try once, he just gave me a one word answer and that was the end of it. No more conversation. No, Nada. Like, what was his problem?

Anyway, we arrived at the house the party was being held at. No, not house, mansion. People littered the front lawn and were either drunk, drinking or unconscious. "You coming?" Ryder asked me as they all pilled out of the car. "Ugh, yeah." I snapped myself out of my thoughts. We all made our way towards the door of the mansion.

"So, who's house is this anyway?" I asked no one in particular. "My friend Tyler's. He's-" I cut Ryder off. "Tyler Hood?" I was dumbfounded. I'd never thought I'd be at a party with these guys, let alone Tyler Hood, one of the most popular people in our whole school and the biggest partier anyone knows.

"Yeah. Like I was saying he's my best bud." Ryder gave me a weird look. Probably wondering why I was so shocked at finding out I was going to Tyler Hood's house. Well just for your information, Ryder, not everyone gets invited to this kind of stuff, not that you guys would know anyway! I wanted to say but held myself back. I just nodded and we entered the front door.

"Ryder, my man! You made it!" A guy slurred grabbing Ryder by the shoulder and pulling him into a hug. "Yeah and I brought the boys too." Ryder patted the guys shoulder and they broke apart. "The more the merrier. And who is this beautiful girl?" He turned to me. It was Tyler Hood. The Tyler Hood. And he was talking to me. Oh my god I'm going to faint.

Luckily I didn't and held out my hand for him to shake. "Malia." Tyler took my hand and brought it to his lips where he kissed it gently. "Welcome, Malia, to my house and party." He grinned sideways at me, then said, "Come! You must meet the others!" And he proceeded in leading me into the house, all the while never letting go of my hand. Again, i thought, I'm going to faint.

The other boys followed with mischievous grins on them. Tyler led me through the house filled with sweaty, drunk teenagers grinding on each other. I held onto his hand tighter as we passed through the dance floor, scared of being separated.

Finally, after walking down a flight of stairs, we reached a room that looked like a basement converted into a game room. Comfy looking couches were pushed up against the walls, there was a huge flat screen TV and a few guys playing a video game. A group of people sat in a circle on the floor in the middle of the room. Oh no, I thought, don't tell me they're playing what I think they're playing.

Ryder and Tom made their way over to the people sitting in a circle while Sam went over to the gaming guys and greeted them. Harry was nowhere to be seen. I wondered where he could be at but then Tyler tugged at my hand, nodding over to where Ryder and Tom were.

"Guys this is Malia." Tyler said, patting my head like I was a puppy. I got a few waves and hi's, a few of the guys were looking me up and down creepily. I crossed my arms self conscious.

"She is our new fried. No- fred- not that either. Give me a second. Fr-" Tyler seemed to be struggling with the word 'friend' and just as I was about to help him out one of the guys in the group yelled "New Sex Toy!" Everyone started laughing. I felt my face heat up and I glared at the guy. He just shrugged like he didn't just say that.

I decided to ignore him and just stood there awkwardly. "Hey, Malia, come here." Ryder patted the spot beside him. I made my way toward him and sat down between him and Tyler, who had also sat down. I looked up and saw I was across from Tom. He was staring right at me. I looked away, feeling my face flush.

"This is Sarah," Ryder pointed to a brunette girl sitting beside him, then went to the others. "Matt, Cory, Bob, Lily, you know Tom, Marcie, Frankie, Danny," I realised this was the whole popular gang at school and was shocked that they were even talking to me. "And this is Elsie." He finished. My head flicked in the direction of the last name. No, no, no. Why did she have to be here?! I screamed in my head. She saw me staring and stared right back. If looks could kill...

"Who wants to play Truth or Dare!" A red-head girl, Lily I think her name was, suggested and everyone agreed, except me. "Ugh, I don't know." I said unsure. "Aww, come on, just one game?" Tyler pleaded, giving me puppy-dog eyes. I laughed at his tactic. "Fine. Just one." "That's my girl!" He through his arm over my shoulders, the weight of it nearly knocking me over.

"I'll go first!" A fake blonde haired girl squealed excitedly. Her name was Cory, I recognised her from my English class in school. "Tom, Truth or Dare?" She asked him, we all turned to hear his answer. "Dare." He replied as if it was obvious he was going to choose that. A small smirk appeared on Cory's face as she finally thought of what to dare him.

"I dare you to kiss me." Ugh, desperate much? Tom nodded and they made their way towards each other, instantly crashing their lips together in a full on make out session. I feel uncomfortable looking at them so I turn my head the other way. A few seconds later Tom pulls away leaving them both panting. Cory smiles, obviously satisfied while Tom's expression looked blank.

"My turn." Bob said, since he was sitting next to Cory. "Marcie-" the game went on for a few more rounds and I'd only been picked once to where I was asked to take a swing of some alcohol Frankie was handing to me. I refused saying I don't drink but they kept pushing me so I threatened to leave and that made Ryder beg me to stay and the drinking thing was forgotten.

Now it was Elsie's turn and she looked straight at me, an evil tint to her eyes. "Malia. Truth or Dare?" She asked. After thinking about what the best option would be i said, "Truth." She smiled wickedly at me, as if that was what she wanted me to say.

"What happened to that guy you used to hang out with all the time? Was his name, James? Or did you call him... Jam?" I blinked. Then again, and again. How could she? Did she just say what I thought I heard? Or am I hearing things now. "What? At a lose for words?" She taunted.

I stood up abruptly. "How could you?" I sneered, tears stinging my eyes. "He was your friend too! And you just left him! How could you?!" I went over to her and punched her square in the face. Her hands flew up to hold her now bleeding nose and Cory and the red-head girl held her, while glaring at me.

I looked at them and then around at the others. I saw all eyes on me. I brought my hand up to wipe the tears away and then made a run for it, sprinting back up the stairs and away from all those accusing glares. If looks could kill...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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