Chapter 2: The Fiance

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We arrived at a cafe within 20 minutes of leaving the house. We parked and walked out. "So, where is this new 'fiance'." I say sarcastically. My mother slapped my gently upside the head. "You behave yourself now. I really like Charles and i think he might be the one." She smiles off in the distance.

"Thalia! Hey Baby over here!" A deep voice called from over by a table. Both my mum and i turn to the voice. A man about in his late 30's stood waving like crazy at us. He was handsome enough and i can definitely see why my mum likes him. He has dark brown hair that was slightly curly and defined features.

"Charles!" My mother squealed with delight as she ran over to him. Charles caught her in a tight embrace. "Malia! Come over here and say hello." She ushered and i walked over. "Hello." I said with as sweet of a smile i could muster. "Hello, sweetheart. My names Charles Vincent Walker. But you can call me Charlie. I've heard all about you." He says and kisses my hand. I pull away not wanting to be touched.

My mother glares daggers at me for doing that so i smile again and say, "I'm Malia Joan Grey. And you can call me Malia. No Mal, no M or any other nicknames you can think of. Just Malia. And i know nothing about you." You can hear the spite in my voice but i couldn't help it. This man was going to marry my mother and then break her heart like all the other men she's married. Or maybe they won't even get that far, maybe he'll break her heart before they get married.

My mum elbows me into my side and sends an apology smile towards Charles, Charlie, what ever. "Thank you Malia, for that lovely introduction." She says. A hint of sarcasm in her voice that only i can make out.

"Now, Malia, i'd like you to meet my sons aswel." Charlie grins and turns around. I then only take notice of 5 boys. 5 gorgeous looking boys. I'm frozen. Not able to look away from their god-like faces. The older ones smile at me, knowing the effect they have upon me. I tear my eyes away and blush.

My mum nudges me and i know she's grinning like mad even with out looking at her. Now i know why she made me wear a dress. "This is Ryder, the oldest. He's 18." Charlie starts talking again. I look so as to not to be rude and see Ryder, the 18 year old, smile and wave at me. I return the gesture. "These are the twins, Harry and Sam. Their 15." I look towards where Charles is pointing and see their grinning like crazy.

"This is our baby Paddy." Charlie pants a little kid on the head. "I'm not a baby!" He yells and Charlie chuckles. "No you're not." Paddy turns to me and proudly smiles at his defeat over his father and i couldn't help but smile at his cute little face. I bend down to his level. "And what age are you?" Paddy giggles and holds up 5 fingures. "I'm 5!" He laughs. I ruffle his hair and stand up straight again, fixing my dress.

Charlie and my mum are smiling at me like i'm their own 5 year old kid who just shared my toys with another child in the play ground. I clear my throat and that snaps them out of their thoughts. "And this is Tom. He's your age. 16." I turn to probably the hottest of all the boys. I take in a shaky breath. Tom smirks at me, making my heart beet even faster.

"Nice to meet all of you." I tried to say confidently but it came out more of a squeak which made all the boys burst out laughing, except for Paddy who was over playing with some toy cars. I could feel my face heat up instantly. "Looks like someone already has feelings." Harry says and I glare at them which only makes them laugh more.

"Anyway-" my mum intervenes, seeing my uncomfortable situation. "Why don't you all go over to the skateboard park for a bit while Charles and i talk." She says smiling. "Alright. Come on guys." Ryder says standing up. You can see his eight pack through his t-shirt which makes my heart do a little tap dance. I look away before anyone notices me staring.

"You coming Malia?" Sam says as they start to walk away. "Yeah. Why not." I sigh as i follow them, glancing back at my mum, a hopeful look on her face.

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