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I honestly don't know why I'm including this. I guess most actual books have one, so maybe it's ingrained into me I should have one. Maybe it's because autism brain makes me leave a title page and that's translating to Wattpad, but instead it's an intro. In any case, here's an intro to probably the main OCs you'll hear from.

Bill: A Bill Cipher ripoff, he's a demon and has ADHD. He's gay as shit and has a human form. No, he doesn't have a last name. Why?
Couldn't be bothered thinking of one. (Him and me.) Oh yeah and he's an adult.

Alastor: He's a neurotypical (wow) human. He's bi and trans* and also dating Bill. No last name either because it never occured to me he needed one. He's also an adult.

Emily: ADHD half demon, but try correcting her when she calls herself an ADHD demon. (She will legitimately hiss at you) She's aroace and a dumbass but she is one of the best friends you'll ever have. She's also Bills' daughter but that probably won't come up much. 15.

Summer: Autistic human. She's queer, wears circle glasses because she liked HP before J.K came out as a TERF. Her SpIns are psychology and BBC Sherlock. 16.

Lumi and Chris: Emily's half siblings. They probably won't come up much but uh, if they do. That's who.

The Gang: Emily and Summers' friend group. Mainly Charlie, Hayden Amber and Alice.

Charlie is 16, neurotypical and nonbinary (they/them) and could also hold the braincell but wants to see what dumb shit Hayden and Emily get into. They

Hayden is a raging lesbian who is actually really cool and doesn't give a shit but has a massive crush on Amber and has a gay panic almost every time she's around. She's probably also got ADHD and is 15. She is also half demon.

Amber is also neurotypical and the holder of the brain cell- and impulse control. She has no clue Hayden likes her because despite being the only one with a brain cell, she's a massive dumbass. If Hayden ever acted on it, she would gladly go out with her. Oh and she's 16.

Alice probably comes closest to holding the brain cell after Amber, but constantly does stupid shit because she has anxiety. She's asexual and will probably date whoever is nice to her. 15.

*I am not trans so if there are trans people reading this who have a problem with my portrayal of him, please tell me because I did read a thing but I'm probably still going to make mistakes and for that I am sorry. Same goes for Charlie!

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